IHNS English
  • Master Candidate LOU Caiyun Passed the Oral Defence of Her Thesis
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31
Master Candidate LOU Caiyun Passed the Oral Defence of Her Thesis

On May 31st, 2008, LOU Caiyun, master candidate directed by Professor ZHANG Li, passed the oral defence of her thesis. The dissertation is entitled as A Study on Regulations of Supervising Research of The Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1964. Based on archives and oral sources, it traces the context of the establishment of the Regulations (Thirty-six Items for short), and the course of its drawing up, and analyses its contents, characters and effects. Then it points out that the essential of Thirty-six Items is the categorization of science research work, with the purpose of attempting to protect the theoretical research in the CAS, which was then under the political atmosphere of emphasizing extremely and simplistically Combining Theory with Practice.