IHNS English
  • Cultural Fundament of Scientific Developing: Symposium of the Research Center of Science and Culture
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

Cultural Fundament of Scientific Developing: Symposium of the Research Center of Science and Culture

  ON Sept. 23-24, 2010, A symposium titled “Cultural Fundament of Scientific Developing” was held in Huairou, Beijing, by the Research Center of Science and Culture (RCSC) of the Institute for History of Natural Science. 38 professors and graduate students of the center attended.

  Prof. Hao Liuxiang, director of RCSC, made a speech of “Cultural Fundament of Scientific Developing”, initiated the discussion on this topic. Prof. Yuan Jiangyang made another speech which analyzed the process of discovery of Oxygen. Participants also discussed the research orientation of the center.