IHNS English
  • A general agreement was signed between IHNS and SPB of IHST
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

A general agreement was signed between IHNS and SPB of IHST

  ON July 7, 2010, the Institute for the History of Natural Science and Technology (IHNS) and the St.Petersburg Branch of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology (SPB of IHST ) signed a agreement. Both institutes agree to begin the collaboration in a spirit of partnership for mutual benefits. The scientific cooperation focuses on subjects related to:

  1. Comparative research on the development of science and technology in modern Russia and China;

  2. Comparative research on the development of Russian Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences;

  3. Knowledge transmission and technology transfer between Russia and China.

 Director of the IHNS, Prof. Zhang Baichun (left) and Director of the SPB of IHST, Prof. Eduard Kolchinsky (right) signing the agreement

(The Research Management Department)