IHNS English
  • Chemla Karine’s Lecture Series in IHNS
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

Chemla Karine’s Lecture Series in IHNS

  Chemla Karine(林力娜) took a lecture in the Institute for the History of Natural Science (IHNS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, On October 8, 2010. She examined the development of French history of science in the 20th century, including its history and future trends in this lecture, which is the first part of Karine’s lecture series in the IHNS.

  Karine firstly looked back on French history of science in the 20th century, and then introduced its main character in the early 20th century, i.e., an intimate alliance between history of science and philosophy of science. Many scholars in the period were historians and philosophers of science, such as, Gaston Bachelard, Alexandre Koyré, and Georges Canguilhem. But, French historical researches gradually separated from philosophical studies in the 1970s and 80s. She also emphasized the so-called “practical turn”, as one of some new trends in the field of history of science recently.

  Karine took another two lectures in the IHNS on October 15 and 22. The second lecture presented mathematics’ influence on history of mathematics in the 19th century, by means of a historical case of a French mathematician and historian, Michel Chasles. And the main theme of her third lecture is how we can reveal the practical activities of ancient mathematicians, such as Liu Hui’s practices.

  Karine is a professor of the REHSEIS, Laboratoire de Philosophie et Histoire des Sciences, CNRS & Univ. Paris 7, and Visiting Professor for Senior Foreign Scientists,CAS(中国科学院特聘研究员).