IHNS English
  • A delegation of RIKEN visited IHNS
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

A delegation of RIKEN visited IHNS in the afternoon, November 15, 2012. The delegation is made up of Prof. Kamitsubo Hiromichi, special advisor of RIKEN; Motohide YOKOTA, director of global relations office, RIKEN; Junko SUZUKI, deputy manager of global relations office, RIKEN; Kang-Bin LEI, director of RIKEN Beijing representative office; and Jessie XU, translator. Ms CHEN Weiping, from the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, accompanied with the delegation.

After the discussion, they visited the library of IHNS.

  说明: D:\IHNS\国际合作\2012\来访\日本理化所代表团访问\photo\DSC_6027.JPG

Group photo