IHNS English
  • IHNS held the 3rd Youth Academic Salon
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

  The Third Youth Academic Salon was held in conference room 510 of IHNS, in the morning of 7 June, 2013. Associate Professor XIONG Weimin presented his research on Public policy in Mao’s Era: the Case Study of the Movement of Eliminating the Sparrows. The salon was chaired by Pro. GUO Jinhai.



  XIONG’s research focused on the history of modern science and the history of education in China, especially on the relationship between science, politics and society in Mao’s era. He published a book, Synthetizing a Protein, and several important articles.



  XIONG introduced the historical evolution of the movement of eliminating sparrows from 1955 to 1960, particularly the role of MAO, local leaders, public medias, and biologists. The special perspective of this report showed the controversy between science and politics, even between different scientists and how did these conflicts affect the movement.


  The interesting case of the movement arose many questions of audiences, which related with the public policy in China, the norm of historical research, ideology and science policy.


  The Youth Academic Salon is an open platform for the young researchers and students in IHNS. We welcome more young scholars participate in this activity.






  the 3rd Youth Academic Salon