IHNS English
  • Experts of CAS Evaluation Panel Conducted on-site International Assessment for IHNS
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31
  An evaluation panel consisting of seven world-known historians of science and technology from the United States, Germany, France, South Korea and Japan conducted an on-site expert diagnosis assessment for Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHNS) on October 17 and 18, 2013.

  Expert diagnosis assessment for research institutes is the key part of CAS research outcome-oriented evaluation system. International experts in major research areas are invited to undertake the on-site assessment based on the strategic development plan called “One-Three-Five”, where “one” refers to the strategic positioning for the institute’s development in the next 5-10 years, “three” refers to the three goals that might have breakthroughs, and “five” stands for the five key research areas that the institute need to focus on in next 10 years. The IHNS is one of a few pilot CAS institutes that have been evaluated under this system by now.

  The 7-member evaluation panel consists of Prof. Jürgen Renn from Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Prof.Karine Chemla from French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Prof. Wolfgang König from Technische Universität Berlin, Prof. Joseph Cheng-Yih CHEN from University of California, Joseph W. Dauben from City University of New York, Prof. Kim Yung from Seoul National University, and Prof. Takehiko Hashimoto from University of Tokyo. (GAO Shan)


Delegates from International assessment for IHNS,CAS,Oct 17,2013. [Photo by HUANG Lei and XIA Zhao]




Advisors give oral assessment results to CAS leaders, CAS Review Center, IHNS leaders, Oct 18,2013 [Photo by HUANG Lei and XIA Zhao]