IHNS English
  • The 2018 IHNS Academic Forum for Young Scholars was Held
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

 The IHNS Academic Forum for Young Scholars was held on June 23, 2018. The forum encompasses a wide spectrum of speeches delivered by young scholars from various institutes and evaluated by senior counterparts.

At the outset, in his opening remark, Prof. Zhang Baichun extended his utmost gratitude to participants for their active engagement. He noted that the young scholars born in the 1970s and 1980s are gradually becoming the principal force for the Chinese community of the history of science and technology. Meanwhile, Prof. Zhang exhorted young scholars to seize the opportunity of this forum to develop their academic competence and contribute to the internationalization of the Chinese community in this domain.

All in all, this year’s forum has thirteen presentations which were organized under four sessions, namely “Mathematics and astrology,” ”Scientific exchange between China and foreign countries,” “Experiment and technology,” and “Science, technology, and society.” In the conclusion after the four sessions, Dr. Chen Wei, Prof. Liu Yidong, Prof. Wang Zuoyue, and Prof. Zhang Baichun talked about their general impressions and offered detailed suggestions for speakers as well as other young scholars on how to improve their research.


Written by Lü Xin and Yu Yueyuan