IHNS English
  • The History of Chinese Printing
  • Update Time: 2024-08-20

  Zhang Xiumin, Han Qi. The History of Chinese Printing, Homa & Sekey Books, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, September 2009. 



  The History of Chinese Printing covers in great detail the history of more than 1,000 years since the invention of printing in China. The book is divided into three parts—the invention and development of block printing, the invention and development of movable type printing, and the influence of Chinese printing on Asia, Africa and Europe—and thoroughly discusses all aspects of Chinese printing, including locations of printers, contents of woodblock printed books, features of various editions, and different methods of printing. It also includes, newspapers, paper currency as well as the materials used in printing, including paper and ink. 

  The History of Chinese Printing is the most comprehensive, systematic and authoritative work in this field hitherto. This book is regarded by scholars both in and outside of China as an epoch-making masterpiece in the study of Chinese printing history and it lays a solid foundation for research work on the entire Chinese cultural history.