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  • Books in Chinese
  • Update Time: 2024-08-20

1. 陈久金. 中国星座神话, 台湾古籍出版有限公司, 2005(Chen Jiujin. Chinese horoscope mythology, Taiwan Ancient Books Publishing Ltd, 2005)

2. 陈久金,万辅彬. 中国科技史研究方法, 黑龙江人民出版社, 2011(Chen Jiujin. Research methods on history of Chinese science, Heilongjiang People's Publishing House, 2011)

3. 陈久金. 斗转星移映神州:中国二十八宿, 海天出版社, 2012(Chen Jiujin. Chinese lunar mansions, Haitian Press, 2012)

4. 陈久金. 中国天文大发现, 山东画报出版社, 2008(Chen Jiujin. Chinese astronomical discoveries, Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, 2008)

5. 陈久金. 中国少数民族天文学史, 中国科学技术出版社, 2008(Chen Jiujin. History of Astronomy of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, China Science and Technology Press, 2008)

6. 陈久金. 中国古代天文学家, 中国科学技术出版社, 2008(Chen Jiujin. Chinese ancient astronomers, China Science and Technology Press, 2008)

7. 陈久金. 中朝日越四国历史纪年表, 群言出版社, 2008(Chen Jiujin. Historical chronology table of China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan four countries, Qunyan Press, 2008)

8. 陈久金. 北京古观象台, 山西教育出版社, 2008(Chen Jiujin. The Beijing Ancient Observatory, Shanxi Education Press, 2008)

9. 陈久金. 帝王的星占:中国星占揭秘, 群言出版社, 2007(Chen Jiujin. Revelation of Chinese astrology, Qunyan Press, 2007)

10. 陈久金. 泄露天机:中西星空对话, 群言出版社, 2005(Chen Jiujin. A dialogue between Chinese and western sky , Qunyan Press, 2005)

11. 陈久金. 星象解码:引领进入神秘的星座世界, 群言出版社, 2004(Chen Jiujin. The mysterious world of the constellation, Qunyan Press, 2004)

12. 陈久金,杨怡. 中国古代的天文与历法, 中国国际广播出版社, 2010(Chen Jiujin. Chinese ancient astronomy and calendar, China International Radio Press, 2010)

13. 陈美东. 中国科学技术史•天文学卷, 科学出版社, 2003(Chen Meidong. A History of Science and Technology in China: Astronomy, Science Press, 2003)

14. 陈美东. 郭守敬评传, 南京大学出版社, 2003(Chen Meidong. A Critical Biography of Guo Shoujing, Nanjing University Press, 2003)

15. 陈美东,胡考尚. 郭守敬诞辰770周年国际纪念活动文集, 人民日报出版社, 2003(Chen Meidong. International memorial works for 770 birth anniversary of Guo Shoujing, People's Daily Press, 2003)

16. 陈美东. 简明中国科学技术史话, 中国青年出版社, 2009(Chen Meidong. Brief History of Science and Technology in China, China Youth Press, 2009)

17. 陈美东. 历代律历志校证, 中华书局, 2008(Chen Meidong. Collation of successive treatises of temperament and calendar, Zhonghua Book Company, 2008)

18. 陈美东. 中国古代天文学思想, 中国科学技术出版社, 2007(Chen Meidong. Chinese ancient astronomy ideas, China Science and Technology Press, 2007)

19. 陈美东. 朱文鑫:纪念中国现代天文学家朱文鑫诞辰120周年, 群言出版社, 2008(Chen Meidong. Zhu Wenxin: To commemorate the Chinese modern astronomers Zhu Wenxin's 120th birthday, Qunyan Press, 2008)

20. 陈美东,华同旭. 中国计时仪器通史:古代卷, 安徽教育出版社, 2011(Chen Meidong. Chinese history of chronometric instruments: Pre-modern, Anhui Education Press, 2011)

21. 陈悦. 会通与重构:《璇玑遗述》研究, 凤凰出版传媒集团、江苏科学技术出版社, 2013(Chen Yue. Integration and reconstruction: A study of “Xuanji yishu”, Phoenix Science Press, 2013)

22. 戴念祖. 天潢真人朱载堉, 大象出版社, 2008(Dai Nianzu. Tian Huang Zhen Ren: Zhu Zaiyu, Daxiang Press, 2008)

23. 戴念祖. 中国古代物理学, 中国国际广播出版社, 2010(Dai Nianzu. Chinese Ancient Physics, China International Radio Press, 2010)

24. 戴念祖. 朱载堉:明代的科学和艺术巨星, 人民出版社, 2011(Dai Nianzu. Zhu Zaiyu: A Superstar of Science and art in the Ming Dynasty, People's Publishing House, 2011)

25. 戴念祖,刘树勇. 中国物理学史:古代卷, 广西教育出版社, 2006(Dai Nianzu. Chinese Physics History: Pre-modern, Guangxi Education Press, 2006)

26. 叶铭汉、戴念祖、李艳平. 叶企孙文存, 首都师范大学出版社, 2013(Dai Nianzu. The Collected Works of Ye Qisun, Capital Normal University Press, 2013)

27. 董光璧. 中国现代物理学史, 山东教育出版社, 2009(Dong Guangbi. A History of Physics in Modern China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2009)

28. 董光璧. 二十一世纪科学与中国, 湖北教育出版社, 2004(Dong Guangbi. Twenty-first century science and Chinese, Hubei Education Press, 2004)

29. 董光璧. 二十世纪中国科学, 北京大学出版社, 2007(Dong Guangbi. Sciences in Twentieth Century China, Peking University Press, 2007)

30. 杜石然. 中国科学技术史•通史卷, 科学出版社, 2003(Du Shiran. A History of Science and Technology in China: General, Science Press, 2003)

31. 杜石然,孔国平. 世界数学史, 吉林教育出版社, 2009(Du Shiran. World History of Mathematics, Jilin Education Press, 2009)

32. 杜石然. 数学•历史•社会, 辽宁教育出版社, 2003(Du Shiran. Mathematics, history, society, Liaoning Education Press, 2003)

33. 杜石然,范楚玉,陈美东,金秋鹏,周世德,曹婉如. 中国科学技术史稿(修订版), 北京大学出版社, 2012(Du Shiran. History of Science and Technology of China, Peking University Press, 2012)

34. 方一兵. 汉冶萍公司与中国近代钢铁技术移植, 科学出版社, 2011(Fang Yibing. Hanyeping Company and immigration of steel technology in modern China, Science Press, 2011)

35. 戴继强,方在庆. 德国科技与教育发展, 人民教育出版社, 2004(Fang Zaiqing. Science, Technology and Education Development in Germany, People's Education Press, 2004)

36. 方在庆. 一个真实的爱因斯坦, 北京大学出版社, 2006(Fang Zaiqing. An authentic Einstein, Peking University Press, 2006)

37. 方在庆. 爱因斯坦、德国科学与文化, 北京大学出版社, 2006(Fang Zaiqing. Einstein, Science and Culture in Germany, Peking University Press, 2006)

38. 席泽宗口述,郭金海访问整理. 席泽宗口述自传, 湖南教育出版社, 2011(Guo Jinhai. The oral autobiography of Xi Zezong (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2011)

39. 郭书春汇校. 汇校九章算术, 辽宁教育出版社、台湾九章出版社, 2004(Guo Shuchun. Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures with compiling collations, Liaoning Education Press, 2004)

40. 郭书春译注. 九章筭术译注, 上海古籍出版社, 2009(Guo Shuchun. Translation and Annotation of Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2009)

41. 郭书春. 中国传统数学史话, 中国国际广播出版社, 2012(Guo Shuchun. A Brief History of Chinese Traditional Mathematics, China International Radio Press, 2012)

42. 郭书春. 古代世界数学泰斗:刘徽, 山东科学技术出版社, 2013(Guo Shuchun. Leading authority in the ancient mathematics world: Liu Hui, Shandong Science and Technology Press, 2013)

43. 郭书春,李家明主编. 中国科学技术史•辞典卷, 科学出版社, 2011(Guo Shuchun; Li Jiaming. A History of Science and Technology in China: Dictionary, Science Press, 2011)

44. 韩健平. 日伪时期的殖民地科研机构:历史与文献, 山东教育出版社, 2006(Han Jianping. Colonial scientific institutions during the Japan occupation and puppet Manchukuo period: history and literature (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2006)

45. 张秀民著、韩琦增订:中国印刷史(插图珍藏增订版),杭州:浙江古籍出版社,200610(Zhang Xiumin, Han Qi. The History of Chinese Printing, Hangzhou: Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2006.)

46. 韩琦、吴旻校注:熙朝崇正集熙朝定案(外三种),北京:中华书局,20069(Han Qi and Wu Min ed., Xi Chao Chong Zheng Ji, Xi Chao Ding An, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2006)

47. 吴旻、韩琦编:欧洲所藏雍正乾隆朝天主教文献汇编,上海:上海人民出版社,200812(Han Qi and Wu Min ed., European Collection of Catholic Literature Compilation in Yongzheng and Qianlong Periods, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2008.)

48. 韩琦,(意)米盖拉编:中国和欧洲:印刷术与书籍史,北京:商务印书馆,200812(Han Qi; Michela Bussotti eds., Chine et Europe: Histoires de Livres, Beijing: Commercial Press, 2008.)

49. 何堂坤. 中国古代手工业工程技术史, 山西教育出版社, 2012(He Tangkun. History of Ancient Chinese handicraft Engineering, Shanxi Education Press, 2012)

50. 何堂坤. 中国古代金属冶炼和加工工程技术史, 山西教育出版社, 2009(He Tangkun. History of Ancient Chinese Metal smelting and processing Engineering, Shanxi Education Press, 2009)

51. 胡维佳(编). 中国科技政策资料选辑(上中下), 山东教育出版社, 2006(Hu Weijia. Selected materials on the science and technology in the people's republic of China(Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2006)

52. 胡维佳. 中国科技规划、计划与政策研究, 山东教育出版社, 2007(Hu Weijia. Researches on programs, plans and policies of science and technology in modern China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2007)

53. 胡晓菁. 寻找地层深处的光:田在艺传, 中国科学技术出版社, 2013(Hu Xiaojing. Biography of Tian Zaiyi (Academic growth materials collection project of old scientists), China Science and Technology Press, 2013)

54. 华觉明,李绵璐. 民间技艺, 中国社会出版社, 2006(Hua Jueming; Li Mianlu. Folk craft, Chinese Society Press, 2006)

55. 李晓岑,唐绪祥,华觉明. 金属采冶和加工技艺, 大象出版社, 2008(Li Xiaocen; Tang Xuxiang; Hua Jueming. Mining smelting and Processing Skills of Metals, Daxiang Press, 2008)

56. 田自秉,华觉明编. 中国传统工艺全集•历代工艺名家, 大象出版社, 2008(Tian Zibing; Hua Jueming. The Complete Works of Chinese traditional craft: Ancient craft masters, Daxiang Press, 2008)

57. 华觉明,李劲松(主编). 中华百工, 古吴轩出版社, 2010(Hua Jueming; Li jinsong. Chinese crafts, Gu Wu Xuan Publishing, 2010)

58. 华梅,李劲松. 服饰与阶层, 中国时代经济出版社, 2010(Hua Mei; Li jinsong. The Research on Clothing& Adornments and Hierarchy, China Modern Economic Publishing House, 2010)

59. 黄荣光. 日本近代初期对中国的贸易, 新时代出版社, 2006( Huang Ronguang. Early Modern history of Japanese trade with China, New Era Publishing, 2006)

60. 金秋鹏(主编). 中国科学技术史•图录卷, 科学出版社, 2008(Jin Qiupeng. A History of Science and Technology in China: Album, Science Press, 2008)

61. 金秋鹏. 中国古代科技, 中国国际广播出版社, 2010(Jin Qiupeng;. Chinese Ancient Science and Technology, China International Radio Press, 2010)

62. 金秋鹏. 中国古代造船与航海, 中国国际广播出版社, 2011(Jin Qiupeng;. Chinese ancient shipbuilding and navigation, China International Radio Press, 2011)

63. 李家明(主编). 20世纪发明发现, 科学技术文献出版社, 2006(Li Jiaming. Twenty Century Science Discovery and technology Invention, Scientific and Technical Documentation Press, 2006)

64. 李劲松,杨源. 中国手工艺•农畜矿产品加工, 大象出版社, 2011(Li Jinsong; Yang Yuan. Chinese Handicraft: Processing of Agricultural and mineral products, Daxiang Press, 2011)

65. 李劲松,周嘉华. 中国手工艺•特种技艺, 大象出版社, 2011(Li Jinsong; Zhou Jiahua. Chinese Handicraft: Special skills, Daxiang Press, 2011)

66. 李佩珊. 科学战胜反科学:苏联的李森科事件及李森科主义在中国, 当代世界出版社, 2004(Li Peishan. Science defeat anti-science: Soviet Lysenko Incident and Lysenkoism in China, Contemporary World Press, 2004)

67. 廖育群. 医者意也, 台湾东大图书有限公司, 2003(Liao Yuqun. Understanding traditional medicine in China, Taiwan East Book Co. , Ltd. , 2003)

68. 廖育群. 认识印度传统医学, 台湾东大图书有限公司, 2003(Liao Yuqun. Understanding traditional medicine in India, Taiwan East Book Co. , Ltd. , 2003)

69. 廖育群. 中国传统医药, 五洲传播出版社, 2006(Liao Yuqun. Chinese traditional medicine, China Intercontinental Press, 2006)

70. 廖育群. 远眺皇汉医学:认识日本传统医学, 东大图书有限公司, 2007(Liao Yuqun. Perspective on Chinese traditional medicine in modern Japan, Taiwan East Book Co. , Ltd. , 2007)

71. 中国科学技术协会学术部 (廖育群) . 中医药的科学研究, 中国科学技术出版社, 2007(Liao Yuqun. Scientific research on Chinese traditional medicine, China Science and Technology Press, 2007)

72. 廖育群. 繁露下的岐黄春秋:宫廷医学与生生之政, 上海交通大学出版社, 2012(Liao Yuqun. Royal medicine and circular government, Shang Hai Jiaotong University Press, 2012)

73. 廖育群. 重构秦汉医学图像, 上海交通大学出版社, 2012(Liao Yuqun. Reconstruction of medical images in Qin and Han Dynasties, Shang Hai Jiaotong University Press, 2012)

74. 廖育群. 吉益东洞, 上海交通大学出版社, 2009(Liao Yuqun. Yoshimasu Toudou, Shang Hai Jiaotong University Press, 2009)

75. 廖育群. 扶桑汉方的春晖秋色:日本传统医学与文化, 上海交通大学出版社, 2013(Liao Yuqun. Japanese traditional medicine and culture, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2013)

76. 廖育群主编,华觉明副主编. 传统手工技艺的保护和可持续发展, 大象出版社, 2010(Liao Yuqun; Hua Jueming. The conservation and sustainable development of traditional craftsmanship, Daxiang Press, 2010)

77. 刘钝. 文化一二三, 湖北教育出版社, 2006(Liu Dun. Culture ABC, Hubei Education Press, 2006)

78. 刘钝,曹效业主编. 追寻缪斯之梦:《科学文化评论》论文集萃(2004-2008, 科学出版社, 2011(Liu Dun; Cao Xiaoye (eds.). Pursuing a dream of Muse: Papers in Science & Culture Review 2004-2008, Science Press, 2011)

79. 刘钝,曹效业主编. 寻求与科学相容的生活信念:《科学文化评论》译文集萃(2004-2008, 科学出版社, 2011(Liu Dun; Cao Xiaoye (eds.). Seeking a philosophy of life compatible with science: Translation papers in Science & Culture Review 2004-2008, Science Press, 2011)

80. 刘晓. 卷舒开合任天真:何泽慧传, 中国科学技术出版社, 2013(Liu Xiao. Biography of He Zehui(Academic growth materials collection project of old scientists), China Science and Technology Press, 2013)

81. 刘益东. 智业革命, 当代中国出版社, 2007(Liu Yidong. The intelligence industry revolution, Contemporary China Publishing House, 2007)

82. 刘益东,李群根. 中国计算机产业发展之研究, 山东教育出版社, 2005(Liu Yidong; Li Genqun. Research on the development of Chinese computer industry (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

83. 罗桂环. 近代西方识华生物史, 山东教育出版社, 2005(Luo Guihuan. History of Western Botanical and Zoological Studies in China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

84. 罗桂环. 中国西北科学考查团综论, 中国科学技术出版社, 2009(Luo Guihuan. The Summarize on the Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-western Province of China, China Science and Technology Press, 2009)

85. 倪根金教授主编,罗桂环副主编. 生物史与农史新探, 台北万人出版社, 2005(Ni Genjing; Luo Guihuan. New Exploration on the History of biology and agriculture, Taipei Wanren Press, 2005)

86. 罗桂环,汪子春主编. 中国科学技术史•生物学卷, 科学出版社, 2005(Luo Guihuan; Wang Zichun. The History of Sciences and Technology in China, Biological Volume, Science Press, 2005)

87. 罗兴波. 十七世纪英国科学研究方法的发展:以伦敦皇家学会为中心, 中国科学技术出版社, 2012(Luo Xingbo. Development of Scientific Research Methods in Britain in 17th-century: Focus on Royal Society of London, China Science and Technology Press, 2012)

88. 中国科学技术协会学会学术部(罗兴波) . 学科发展与科技创新研究, 中国科学技术大学出版社, 2011(Luo Xingbo. A study on discipline development and scientific and technological innovation , China university of science and technology press, 2011)

89. 潘吉星. 中外科学技术交流史论, 中国社会科学出版社, 2012(Pan Jixing. On the history of scientifc and technological exchange between China and foreign countries, China Social Sciences Press, 2012)

90. 潘吉星. 中国造纸史, 上海人民出版社, 2009(Pan Jixing. Chinese papermaking history, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2009)

91. 潘吉星. 中国的造纸术, 中国国际广播出版社, 2010(Pan Jixing. China's papermaking, China International Radio Press, 2010)

92. 任定成,袁江洋(主编). 中国化学学科史, 中国科学技术出版社, 2010(Ren Dingcheng; Yuan Jiangyang. History of chemistry in China, China Science and Technology Press, 2010)

93. 院史研究室(编). 薛攀皋文集, 湖南教育出版社, 2008(Research Center for History of CAS. Works of Xue Mugao, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS, 2008)

94. 孙关龙,宋正海. 中国传统文化的瑰宝:自然国学, 深圳海天出版社, 2006(Sun Guanlong; Song Zhenghai. Natural traditional academic, Academy Press, 2006)

95. 宋正海. 潮起潮落两千年:灿烂的中国传统潮汐文化, 海天出版社, 2012(Song Zhenghai. Chinese traditional culture of tides, Haitian Press, 2012)

96. 艾素珍,宋正海编. 中国科学技术史•年表卷, 科学出版社, 2006(Ai Suzhen; Song Zhenghai. A History of Science and Technology in China: Chronological table, Science Press, 2006)

97. 孙华,苏荣誉. 神秘的王国, 巴蜀书社, 2003(Sun Hua; Su Rongyu. A Mysterious kingdom, Bashu Publishing House, 2003)

98. 苏荣誉,詹长法,冈岩太郎. 东亚纸质文物保护:第一届东亚纸张保护学术研讨会论文集, 科学出版社, 2008(Su Rongyu, etc. Preservation of Paper Cultural Relics in East Asia, Science Press, 2008)

99. 苏荣誉. 磨戟:苏荣誉自选集, 上海人民出版社, 2012(Su Rongyu. Grinding halberd: An anthology of Rongyu Su, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2012)

100. 苏湛. 看得见的中国科技史, 中华书局, 2012(Su Zhan. The visible history of science in China, Zhonghua Book Company, 2012)

101. 孙烈. 制造一台大机器:20世纪中国万吨水压机的创新之路, 山东教育出版社, 2011(Sun Lie. Making a Big Machine: The Road of Innovation to the 120MN Hydraulic Forging Press in 20th Century China, Shandong Education Press, 2011).

102. 孙小淳,曾雄生. 宋代国家文化中的科学, 中国科学技术出版社, 2007(Sun Xiaochun; Zeng Xiongsheng. Science and the State in the Song Dynasty, China Science and Technology Press, 2007).

103. 姜振寰, 苏荣誉. 多视野下的中国科学技术史研究, 第十届国际中国科学史会议论文集, 科学出版社, 2009(Jiang Zhenhuan; Su Rongyu. Multi-Aspects Studies on the History of Science and Technology in China, A proceedings for the 10th international conference on the history of science in China, Science Press, 2009)

104. 席龙飞,杨熺,唐锡仁主编. 中国科学技术史•交通卷, 科学出版社, 2004(XI Longfei; Yang Xi; Tang Xiren. A History of Science and Technology in China: Communications, Science Press, 2004)

105. 田淼. 中国数学的西化历程, 山东教育出版社, 2005(Tian Miao. The westernization of mathematics in China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

106. 王斌. 近代铁路技术向中国的转移——以胶济铁路为例(1898-1914, 人民教育出版社、学习出版社, 2013(Wang Bin. Modern Railway Technology Transfer to China: A Case Study of Shantung Railway (1898-1914) , Science Press, 2013)

107. 王传超. 大音希声:应崇福传, 中国科学技术出版社, 2013(Wang Chuanchao. Biography of Ying Chongfu (Academic growth materials collection project of old scientists), China Science and Technology Press, 2013)

108. 汪前进. 中国古代100位科学家故事, 人民教育出版社, 2006(Wang Qianjin. Chinese Ancient 100 scientists' story, People's Education Press, 2006)

109. 汪前进刘若芳 整理. 清廷三大实测全图集, 外文出版社, 2007(Wang Qianjin, Liu Ruofang . Atlas of the three measured full-Qing, Foreign Languages Press, 2007)

110. 汪前进编. 中国地图学史研究文献集成(民国时期), 西安地图出版社, 2007(Wang Qianjin. Literature compilation on history of cartography in China: 1911-1949, Xi'an Map Publishing, 2007)

111. 汪前进,黄艳红. 中国科学院人物传(第一卷), 科学出版社, 2010(Wang Qianjin; Huang Yanhong. Biographies of Chinese Academy of SciencesVolume 1, Science Press, 2010).

112. 王思明,张柏春. 技术:历史与遗产, 中国农业科学技术出版社, 2010(Wang Siming; Zhang Baichun. Technology: History and Heritage, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2010)

113. 王扬宗编校. 近代科学在中国的传播, 山东教育出版社, 2009(Wang Yangzong. The introduction of modern science into late 19th and early 20th century China: Selected works and documents (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2009)

114. 王扬宗,曹效业主编. 中国科学院院属单位简史(1-2), 科学出版社, 2010(Wang YangzongCao Xiaoye. A Brief History of subordinate units of CAS, Science Press, 2010)

115. 赵匡华主编(王扬宗,张藜,周嘉华合作). 中国化学史•近现代卷, 广西教育出版社, 2003(Zhao Kuanghua (edit-in-chef). (Wang Yangzong; Zhang li; Zhou Jiahua co-authored). Chinese History of Chemistry: Modern times, Guangxi Education Press, 2003)

116. 汪子春. 中国古代生物学, 中国国际广播出版社, 2010(Wang Zichun. Chinese Ancient Biology, China International Radio Press, 2010)

117. 汪子春,田洺,易华编著. 世界生物学史, 吉林教育出版社, 2009(Wang Zichun; Tian Ming; Yi Hua). World History of Biology, Jilin Education Press, 2009)

118. 席泽宗. 科学史十论, 复旦大学出版社, 2003(Xi Zezong. Ten Theses on History of Science, Fudan University Press, 2003)

119. 席泽宗主编. 科学编年史, 上海科技教育出版社, 2011(Xi Zezong. Scientific Chronicle, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2011)

120. 席泽宗. 中国科学思想史, 科学出版社, 2009(Xi Zezong. Chinese history of scientific ideas, Science Press, 2009)

121. 沈善炯述,熊卫民 整理. 沈善炯自述, 湖南教育出版社, 2009(Shen Shanjiong; Xiong Weimin. The autobiography of San-chiun Shen (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2009)

122. 熊卫民. 反思科学技术, 中华工商联合出版社, 2004(Xiong Weimin. Reflections on Science and Technology, China Industrial and Commercial Joint Publishing House, 2004)

123. 熊卫民、邹宗平主编. 邹承鲁传, 科学出版社、上海古籍出版社, 2008(Xiong Weimin; Zou Zongping. Chen Lu Tsou's Biography, Science Press, 2008)

124. 熊卫民,王克迪. 合成一个蛋白质:结晶牛胰岛素的人工全合成, 中国科学技术出版社, 2005(Xiong Weimin; Wang Kedi. Synthesize a protein: the story of total synthesis of crystalline insulin project in China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

125. 邹承鲁,熊卫民等著. 从合成蛋白质到合成核酸, 湖南教育出版社, 2009(Zou Chenglu; Xiong Weimin. From protein synthesis to nucleic acid synthesis (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2009)

126. 徐凤先. 商末周祭祀谱合历研究, 世界图书出版公司, 2006(Xu Fengxian. A Study of Correspondences Between the Late Shang Sacrificial Cycle and the Calendar, World Publishing Company, 2006)

127. 徐凤先. 中国西北科学考查团中方团员研究成果汇编:地理、气象, 中国科学技术出版社, 2007(Xu Fengxian. Compilation of Research Works of Chinese Members in the Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China: Geography and Meteorology, China Science and Technology Press, 2007)

128. 本书编研组(阎康年). “三个代表”重要思想与科技创新, 科学出版社, 2004(Yan Kangnian. "Three Represents" important thought and technological innovation, Science Press, 2004)

129. 阎康年. R&D与企业原动力, 中国经济出版社, 2004(Yan Kangnian. R&D and motive power of enterprise, China Economy Publishing House, 2004)

130. 阎康年. 美国贝尔实验室成功之道, 广东教育出版社, 2004(Yan Kangnian. Success approach of Bell Laboratory in USA, Guangdong Education Publishing House, 2004)

131. 阎康年. 英国卡文迪什实验室成功之道, 广东教育出版社, 2004(Yan Kangnian. Success approach of Cavendish Laboratory in UK, Guangdong Education Publishing House, 2004)

132. 阎康年. 通向新经济之路, 东方出版社, 2005(Yan Kangnian. The ways to new economy, Oriental Press, 2005)

133. 阎康年,姚立澄. 国外著名科研院所的历史经验和借鉴研究, 科学出版社, 2012(Yan Kangnian; Yao Licheng. A Study in historical experiences of foreign research institutes, Science Press, 2012)

134. 杨丽凡. 大收藏家:古家具专家张德祥, 北京出版社, 2011(Yang Lifan. Large Collectors: antique furniture expert Zhang Dexiang, Beijing Publishing House, 2011)

135. 杨丽凡. 真者朴素:扎燕名家费保龄, 北京出版社, 2011(Yang Lifan. Who really simple: tie Yan Masters Fei Baoling, Beijing Publishing House, 2011)

136. 杨丽凡. 生来恋旧:中国工艺美术大师吴元新, 大象出版社, 2013(Yang Lifan. Born to yearn for the past: Wu Yuanxin master of Chinese art and craft, Daxiang Press, 2013)

137. 杨文衡. 中国风水十讲, 华夏出版社, 2007(Yang Wenheng. Ten Lectures of Chinese Feng Shui, Huaxia Publishing House, 2007)

138. 杨文衡. 易学与生态环境, 中国书店, 2003(Yang Wenheng. Yi studies and ecological environment, China Bookstore, 2003)

139. 游修龄,曾雄生. 中国稻作文化史, 上海人民出版社, 2010(You Xiuling; Zeng Xiongsheng. Culture history of rice cultivation in China, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2010)

140. 袁江洋. 科学史的向度, 湖北教育出版社, 2003(Yuan Jiangyang. Dimension of the History of Science, Hubei Education Press, 2003)

141. 袁江洋. 科学史:新的综合, 佛光人文社会学院(台湾), 2002(Yuan Jiangyang. History of science: A new comprehensive, Fo Guang University, 2002)

142. 袁江洋,方在庆. 科学革命与中国道路, 湖北教育出版社, 2006(Yuan Jiangyang; Fang Zaiqing. Scientific Revolution and Chinese Road, Hubei Education Press, 2006)

143. 袁向东,郭金海. 徐利治访谈录, 湖南教育出版社, 2009(Yuan Xiangdong; Guo Jinhai. Interview with Xu Lizhi (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2009)

144. 曾雄生. 中国农学史, 福建人民出版社, 2008(Zeng Xiongsheng. Agricultural History in China, Fujian People's Publishing House, 2008)

145. 曾雄生. 中国农学史(修订本), 福建人民出版社, 2012(Zeng Xiongsheng. Agricultural History in China (Revised Edtion), Fujian People's Publishing House, 2012)

146. 曾雄生(主编). 亚洲农业的过去、现在与未来, 中国农业出版社, 2010(Zeng Xiongsheng. Agriculture in AsiaPast, Present and Future, China Agriculture Press, 2010)

147. 张柏春,姚芳,张久春,蒋龙. 苏联技术向中国的转移, 山东教育出版社, 2004(Zhang Baichun; Yao Fang; Zhang Jiuchun; Jiang Long. Technology transfer from the Soviet Union to the PR. China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2004)

148. 潘教峰,李成智,周程,张柏春. 重大科技创新案例, 山东教育出版社, 2011(Pan Jiaofeng, Li chengzhi, Zhou Cheng, Zhang Baichun. Major cases of scientific and technological innovation, Shandong Education Press, 2011)

149. 张柏春访问整理. 王守泰、陆景云、顾毓瑔等口述. 民国时期机电技术, 湖南教育出版社, 2009(Wang Shoutai, etc.. Zhang Baichun. Mechanical engineering and electrical engineering in the republic of China (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2009)

150. 张柏春,李成智主编. 技术的人类学、民俗学与工业考古学研究,北京理工大学出版社,2009年(Zhang Baichun, Li Chengzhi (eds). Studies in the History of Technology: New Perspectives from Anthropology, Folklore and Industrial Archeology, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2009

151. 张柏春,田淼,马深孟,雷恩,戴培德,等. 传播与会通——《奇器图说》研究与校注,江苏科学技术出版社,2008年(Zhang Baichun, Tian Miao, Matthias Schemmel, Juergen Renn, Peter Damerow, etc.. Transmission and Integration----“Qiqi Tushuo” (Illustrations and Descriptions of Extraordinary Devices): New Research and Annotated Edition. Jiangsu Science and Technology Press, 2008

152. 张柏春,姜振寰,冯立昇主编. 技术发展与文化遗产,山东教育出版社,2008年(Zhang Baichun, Jiang Zhenhuan and Feng Lisheng (eds). Technology as Cultural Heritage. Shandong Education Press, 2008.

153. 张柏春,张治中,冯立昇,钱小康,李秀辉,雷恩. 中国传统工艺全集•传统机械调查研究,大象出版社,2006年(Zhang Baichun, Zhang Zhizhong, Feng Lisheng, Qian Xiaokang, Li Xiuhui and Juergen Renn. Investigations of Traditional Chinese Machines, Zhengzhou: Daxiang Press, 2006

154. 张柏春,李成智主编. 技术史研究十二讲,北京理工大学出版社,2006年(Zhang Baichun, Li Chengzhi (eds.). An Introduction to the studies in the History of Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2006

155. 路甬祥主编,张柏春、王扬宗、董光璧、王渝生副主编. 中国近现代科学技术史研究丛书. 山东教育出版社, 2004-2008年(Chief-edited by Lu Yongxiang, sub-edited by Zhang Baichun, Wang Yangzong, Dong Guangbi and Wang Yusheng. Studies on the History of Science and Technology in Modern China, (36-volumed book series), Jinan: Shandong Education Press, 2004-2008.

156. 张卜天. 质的量化与运动的量化:14世纪经院自然哲学的运动学初探, 北京大学出版社, 2010(Zhang Butian. Quantification of Qualities and MotionA Study of the Kinematics in the Fourteenth-Century Scholastic Natural Philosophy , Peking University Press, 2010)

157. 张九辰. 地质学与民国社会:1916-1950, 山东教育出版社, 2005(Zhang Jiuchen. Geology and society: A study in Chinese national geological survey (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

158. 张九辰. 自然资源综合考察委员会研究, 科学出版社, 2013(Zhang Jiuchen. A Study on the Commission for Integrated Survey of Natural Resources, Science Press, 2013)

159. 张九辰. 中国西北科学考查团中方团员研究成果汇编:地质、古生物, 中国科学技术出版社, 2007(Zhang Jiuchen. Compilation of research results of Chinese members in China Northwest Science Expedition: Geology and Paleontology, China Science and Technology Press, 2007)

160. 施雅风口述,张九辰 访问整理. 施雅风口述自传, 湖南教育出版社, 2009(Shi Yfeng; Zhang Jiuchen. Shi Yafeng: An oral biography (The Oral History of Science in 20th Century China Series), Hunan Education Press, 2009)

161. 张九辰. 山水人生:陈梦熊传, 中国科学技术出版社, 2013(Zhang Jiuchen. Biography of Chen Mengxiong (Academic growth materials collection project of old scientists), China Science and Technology Press, 2013)

162. 张九辰,徐凤先,李新伟等. 中国西北科学考查团专论, 中国科学技术出版社, 2009(Zhang Jiuchen; Xu Fengxian; Li Xinwei, etc.. Monograph on China Northwest Science Expedition, China Science and Technology Press, 2009)

163. 张藜. 新中国与新科学:高分子科学在现代中国的建立, 山东教育出版社, 2005(Zhang Li. New science for a new China: Institutionalization of polymer science in the PR. China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2005)

164. 张藜. 中国科学院教育发展史, 科学出版社, 2009(Zhang Li. Educational History of CAS, Science Press, 2009)

165. 张驭寰. 张驭寰文集, 中国文史出版社, 2008(Zhang Yuhuan. Anthology of Zhang Yuhuan, Chinese Literature and History Press, 2008)

166. 张驭寰. 中国佛教寺院建筑讲座, 当代中国出版社, 2008(Zhang Yuhuan. Lectures on Chinese Buddhist temple architecture, Contemporary China Publishing House, 2008)

167. 张驭寰. 中国古代建筑装饰讲座, 安徽教育出版社, 2005(Zhang Yuhuan. Lectures on Chinese Building Decoration, Anhui Education Press, 2005)

168. 张驭寰. 中国古代建筑文化, 机械工业出版社, 2007(Zhang Yuhuan. Ancient Chinese Culture of Architecture, China Machine Press, 2007)

169. 张驭寰. 中国古建筑分类图说, 河南科学技术出版社, 2005(Zhang Yuhuan. Classified illustration of Chinese ancient Architecture, Henan Science and Technology Press, 2005)

170. 张驭寰. 中国佛塔史, 科学出版社, 2006(Zhang Yuhuan. Chinese pagoda History, Science Press, 2006)

171. 张驭寰. 中国城池史, 百花文艺出版社, 2003(Zhang Yuhuan. Chinese history of city wall and moat, Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House, 2003)

172. 张驭寰. 古建筑的符号, 华中科技大学出版社, 2011(Zhang Yuhuan. Symbols of ancient Architecture, Huazhong university of science and technology press, 2011)

173. 张驭寰. 古建筑的重生, 华中科技大学出版社, 2011(Zhang Yuhuan. The rebirth of ancient Architecture, Huazhong university of science and technology press, 2011)

174. 张驭寰. 北宋东京城建筑复原研究, 浙江工商大学出版社, 2011(Zhang Yuhuan. Restoration study on buildings in Bianliang in Northern Song Dynasty, Zhejiang Gongshang University Press, 2011)

175. 张驭寰. 古塔实录, 华中科技大学出版社, 2011(Zhang Yuhuan. Ancient pagoda Records, Huazhong university of science and technology press, 2011)

176. 张驭寰(主编). 古建筑名家谈, 中国建筑工业出版社, 2010(Zhang Yuhuan. Lectures by prominent scholars on ancient architecture, China Building Industry Press, 2010)

177. 张驭寰. 传世浮屠:中国古塔集萃, 天津大学出版社, 2010(Zhang Yuhuan. Chuanshi Futu: Chinese pagoda Highlights, Tianjin University Press, 2010)

178. 张驭寰. 古建筑丛谈, 天津大学出版社, 2009(Zhang Yuhuan. Lectures on ancient architecture, Tianjin University Press, 2009)

179. 张驭寰. 中国古建筑散记, 人民邮电出版社, 2009(Zhang Yuhuan. Random notes on Chinese ancient architecture, Posts and Telecom Press, 2009)

180. 张驭寰. 中国风水塔, 学苑出版社, 2011(Zhang Yuhuan. Chinese Feng Shui Towers, Academy Press, 2011)

181. 张驭寰. 中国古代县城规划图详解, 科学出版社, 2007(Zhang Yuhuan. Explanation on plan graph of Chinese ancient county, Science Press, 2007)

182. 张驭寰. 中国古建筑文化图史, 知识产权出版社, 2012(Zhang Yuhuan. Illustrated History of ancient Chinese architectural culture, Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2012)

183. 张驭寰. 图解中国佛教建筑, 当代中国出版社, 2012(Zhang Yuhuan. Illustrated Chinese Buddhist architecture, Contemporary China Publishing House, 2012)

184. 张驭寰. 图解中国著名佛教寺院, 当代中国出版社, 2012(Zhang Yuhuan. Illustrated Chinese famous Buddhist temple, Contemporary China Publishing House, 2012)

185. 张驭寰. 中国古建筑随笔, 中国档案出版社, 2006(Zhang Yuhuan. Essays on Chinese Ancient Architecture, Chinese archives Press, 2006)

186. 赵翰生. 轻纨叠绮烂生光:文化丝绸, 深圳海天出版社, 2012(Zhao Hansheng. Cultural Silk, Shenzhen Haitian Press, 2012)

187. 郑锡煌(主编). 中国古代地图集:城市地图, 西安地图出版社, 2004(Zheng Xihuang. Chinese Ancient Atlas: City Map, Xi'an Map Publishing, 2004)

188. 中国科学院与国家自然科学基金委(曹效业,张柏春,刘益东等). 未来10年中国学科发展战略:总论, 科学出版社, 2011(Cao Xiaoye, Zhang Baichun, Liu Yidong. In the next 10 years China's discipline development strategy: general, Science Press, 2011)

189. 周嘉华,赵匡华. 中国化学史•古代卷, 广西教育出版社, 2003(Zhou Jiahua; Zhao Kuang Hua. Chinese History of Chemistry: Pre-modern times, Guangxi Education Press, 2003)

190. 包启安,周嘉华. 中国传统工艺全集•酿造, 大象出版社, 2007(Bao Qian; Zhou Jiahua. The Complete Works of Chinese traditional craft: Brewing, Daxiang Press, 2007)

191. 后德俊,周嘉华. 中国古代日用化学工程技术史, 山西教育出版社, 2011(Hou Dejun; Zhou; Jiahua. History of Ancient Chinese Daily Chemical Engineering, Shanxi Education Press, 2011)

192. 陈歆文,周嘉华. 永利与黄海:近代中国化工的典范, 山东教育出版社, 2006(Chen Xinwen; Zhou Jiahua. A successful example in Chinese chemical industry (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2006)

193. 周嘉华,张藜,苏永能. 世界化学史, 吉林教育出版社, 2009(Zhou Jiahua; Zhang Li; Su Yongneng. World History of Chemistry, Jilin Education Press, 2009)

194. 邹大海. 中国近现代科学技术史论著目录(上中下), 山东教育出版社, 2006(Zou Dahai. A catalogue of treatises and books on the history of science and technology in modern China (Modern Chinese History of Science and Technology Series), Shandong Education Press, 2006)

195. 邹大海. 科学精神光照千秋:古希腊科学家的故事, 吉林科学技术出版社, 2012(Zou Dahai. Scientific spirit keeps on shining forever: the stories of ancient Greek scientists, Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2012)

196. 邹大海. 中国数学的兴起与先秦数学(重印), 河北科学技术出版社, 2010(Zou Dahai. Mathematics in Pre-Qin Period (reprinted), Hebei Science and Technology Press, 2010)