IHNS English
  • Chinese Translations of Books
  • Update Time: 2024-08-20

1. 阿瑟?I?米勒(). 方在庆(). 爱因斯坦?毕加索, 上海科技教育出版社, 2003(Fang Zaiqing. Einstein?Picasso, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2003)

2. ()派斯著. 方在庆 等译. 爱因斯坦传, 商务印书馆, 2004(Fang Zaiqing (trans). The science and the life of Albert Einstein, Commercial Press, 2004)

3. ()罗伊?波特(). 方在庆(). 《剑桥科学史》第四卷:十八世纪的科学, 大象出版社, 2010(Fang Zaiqing (trans.). The Cambridge History of Science, vol. 4, Eighteenth- Century Science, Daxiang Press, 2010)

4. 阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦. 方在庆(译). 爱因斯坦晚年文集, 北京大学出版社, 2008(Albert Einstein. Fang Zaiqing (trans.). Out of my later years, Peking University Press, 2008)

5. 弗里茨?斯特恩(). 方在庆,文亚(). 爱因斯坦恩怨史, 上海科技教育出版社, 2004(Fang Zaiqing; Wen Ya (trans.). Einstein's German World, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2004)

6. (元)朱世杰著,郭书春今译,陈再新英译,郭金海整理. 四元玉鉴(汉英), 辽宁教育出版社, 2006(Zhu Shijiie. Guo Shuchun; Chen Zaixin; Guo Jinhai (trans.). Si Yuan Yu Jian, Liaoning Education Press, 2006) (in Chinese & English

7. (美)爱德华?肖特(著),韩健平,胡颖翀,李亚平(译). 精神病学史:从收容院到百忧解, 上海科技教育出版社, 2008(Han Jianping; Hu Yingchong; Li Yaping (trans.). A History of Psychiatry: From the era of the asylum to the age of Prozac, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2008)

8. (英)李约瑟著. 邹海波译. 胡维佳,何绍庚校订,胡晓菁,郑术审定. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?化学及相关技术?内丹, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2011(Zou Haibo (trans.). Hu Weijia; Hu Xiaojing; He Shaogeng; Zheng Shu check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5:Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 5:Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Physiological Alchemy, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2011)

9. (英)李约瑟著,周曾雄等译 胡维佳校订,胡晓菁校订助理. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?化学及相关技术?金丹与长生, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2010(Zhou Zengxiong, etc.(trans.). Hu Weijia; Hu Xiaojing check Chinese translation.. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5:Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 2:Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Magisteries of Gold and Immortality, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2010)

10. (日)冈本隆司 著,黄荣光 译. 属国与自主之间:近代中朝关系与东亚的命运, 生活?读书?新知三联书店, 2012(Huang Ronguang (trans.). Modern China-Korea relations and the fate of East Asia, SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2012)

11. 作者:山田慶兒, 廖育群、李建民编译. 中国古代医学的形成, 台湾东大图书有限公司, 2003(Liao Yuqun; Li Jianmin (trans. & eds.). The formation of ancient Chinese medicine, Taiwan East Book Co. , Ltd. , 2003)

12. (英)富勒(). 刘钝(). 科学的统治:开放社会的意识形态与未来,上海科技教育出版社, 2006(Steve Fuller. Liu Dun (trans.). The governance of science: ideology and the future of the open society, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2006)

13. (明)宋应星 著,潘吉星 今译,王义静 等译. 天工开物, 广东教育出版社, 2011(Pan Jixing (trans.). Tian Gong Kai Wu, Guangdong Education Publishing House, 2011)

14. (英)李约瑟著. 袁以苇等译. 姚立澄,李映新校订助理. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?生物学及相关技术?植物学, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2006(Yuan Yiwei, etc. (trans.). Yao Licheng; Li Yingxin check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 6:Biology and Biological Technology, Part 1:Botany, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2006)

15. 史蒂文?夏平 著. 徐国强,袁江洋,孙小淳 译. 科学革命:批判性的综合, 世纪出版集团、上海科技教育出版社, 2004(Xu Guoqiang; Yuan Jiangyang; Sun Xiaochun (trans.). The scientific Revolution, Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publishing House, 2004)

16. (英)李约瑟著,刘晓燕等译. 潘吉星校订,张九辰,姚立澄校订助理. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?化学及相关技术?火药的史诗, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2005(LIU Xiaoyan, etc. (trans.). Pan Jixing; Zhang Jiuchen; Yao Licheng check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 5:Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 7:Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005)

17. []李约瑟, 黄兴宗 著,韩北忠 等译 洪光住审定,姚立澄校订助理. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?生物学及相关技术?发酵与食品科学, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2008(Han Beizhong, etc. (trans.). Hong Guangzhu; Yao Licheng check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Volume 6: Biology and biological technology Part 5:Fermentations and food science, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2008)

18. 劳埃德(). 孙小淳(). 早期希腊科学: 从泰勒斯到亚里士多德, 上海世纪出版集团、上海科技教育出版社, 2004(G.E.R. Lloyd. Sun Xiaochun (trans.). Early Greek scienceThales to Aristotle, Shanghai Scientific &Technological Education Publishing House, 2004)

19. [] 李约瑟,陆学善等(译) 王冰复校. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?物理学及相关技术?物理学, 科学出版社,上海古籍出版社, 2003(Lu Xueshan, etc. (trans.). Wang Bing check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Volume 4Physics and physical technology Part 1Physics, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2003)

20. 班大为(),徐凤先(). 中国上古史实揭秘——天文考古学研究, 上海世纪出版股份有限公司、上海古籍出版社, 2008(David W. Pankenier. Xu Fengxian (trans.). Revealing the Secrets of Ancient Chinese History: Research in Archaeoastronomy, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2008)

21. ()爱因斯坦著许良英,刘明编许良英. 爱因斯坦文录, 浙江文艺出版社, 2004(Xu Liangying (eds. & trans.). Selected articles of Albert Einstein, Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 2004)

22. ()伯纳姆著. 颜宜葳译. 什么是医学史, 北京大学出版社, 2010(John Burnham. Yan Yiwei (trans.). What is Medical History?, Peking University Press, 2010)

23. ()曼素思著, 定宜庄, 颜宜葳 译. 缀珍录: 十八世纪及其前后的中国妇女, 江苏人民出版社, 2005(Ding Yizhuang; Yan Yiwei (transl). Precious Records: Women in China's Long Eighteenth Century, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2005)

24. [] 李约瑟,刘巍(译) 姚立澄,胡维佳校订,廖育群审定. 李约瑟中国科学技术史第六卷第六分册《医学》, 科学出版社、上海古籍出版社, 2013(Liu Wei (trans.). Yao Licheng; Hu Weijia; Liao Yuqun check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Volume 6:Biology and biological technology Part 6:Medicine, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2013)

25. (英)波义耳(). 袁江洋(). 怀疑的化学家, 北京大学出版社, 2007(Robert Boyle. Yuan Jiangyang (trans.). The Suspected Chemist, Peking University Press, 2007)

26. [] 李约瑟,汪受琪译 张驭寰审定,胡维佳校订. 李约瑟中国科学技术史?物理学及相关技术?土木工程与航海技术, 科学出版社、上海古籍出版社, 2008(Wang Shouqi (trans.). Zhang Yuhuan; Hu Weijia check Chinese translation. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Volume 4Physics and physical technology Part 3Civil engineering and nautics, Science Press; Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2008)

27. 开普勒(). 张卜天(). 世界的和谐, 北京大学出版社, 2011(Kepler. Zhang Butian (trans.). Harmonies of the World, Peking University Press, 2011)

28. (美)艾萨克森(). 张卜天(). 爱因斯坦:生活和宇宙, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2009(Walther Isaacson. Zhang Butian (trans.). Einstein: His life and universe, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2009)

29. 爱德华?格兰特(). 张卜天(). 近代科学在中世纪的基础, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2010(Edward Grant, Zhang Butian (trans.). The foundations of modern science in the middle ages: their religious, institutional and intellextual contexts, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2010)

30. 伯纳德?科恩(). 张卜天(). 新物理学的诞生, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2010(I. Bernard Cohen. Zhang Butian (trans.). The Birth of a New Physics, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2010)

31. 戴克斯特霍伊斯(). 张卜天(). 世界图景的机械化, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2010(Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis. Zhang Butian (trans.). The Mechanization of the World Picture, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2010)

32. 弗洛里斯?科恩(). 张卜天(). 世界的重新创造:近代科学是如何产生的, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2012(H. Floris Cohen. Zhang Butian (trans.). De Herschepping Van de Wereld: Het Ontstaan Van de Moderne Natuurwetenschap Verklaard, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2012)

33. 米歇尔?艾伦?吉莱斯皮(). 张卜天(). 现代性的神学起源, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2012(Michael Allen Gilespie. Zhang Butian (trans.). The Theological Origins of Modernity, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2012)

34. 埃德温?阿瑟?伯特(). 张卜天(). 近代物理科学的形而上学基础, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2012(Edwin Arthur Burtt. Zhang Butian (trans.). The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science: A historical and critical essay, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2012)

35. 玛格丽特?J?奥斯勒(). 张卜天(). 重构世界:从中世纪到近代早期欧洲的自然、上地和人类认识, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2012(Margaret J. Osler. Zhang Butian (trans.). Reconfiguring the world: Nature, God, and human understanding from the middle ages to early modern Europe, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2012)

36. 弗洛里斯?科恩(). 张卜天(). 科学革命的编史学研究, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2012(H. Floris Cohen. Zhang Butian (trans.). The Scientific Revolution: A Historographical Inquiry, Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2012)

37. 戴维?林德伯格(). 张卜天(). 西方科学的起源(2), 湖南科学技术出版社, 2013(David C. Lindberg. Zhang Butian (trans.). The beginnings of western science: The European scientific tradition in philosophical, religious, and inatitutional context, prehistory to A. D. 1450(2nd Edition), Hunan Science and Technology Press, 2013)

38. 齐曼(). 赵振江(). 可靠的知识:对科学信仰中的原因的探索, 商务印书馆, 2003(J. Ziman. Zhao Zhenjiang (trans.). Reliable knowledge: An exploration of the grounds for belief in science, Commercial Press, 2003)

39. 牛顿(). 赵振江(). 自然哲学的数学原理, 商务印书馆, 2006(Newton. Zhao Zhenjiang (trans.). Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Commercial Press, 2006)

40. 丰特奈尔(). 赵振江(). 牛顿传记五种, 商务印书馆, 2007(Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle. Zhao Zhenjiang (trans.). Five kinds of Newton's biography, Commercial Press, 2007)