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  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.2 2000
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.2 2000




Mr. Qian Linzhao's Contribution to China's Science History Undertakings……Xi Ze-zong

【Abstract】 The celebrated physicist Academician Qian Linzhao already completed at the age of so his Various Articles on Optics and Mechanics for the Explanation of Classics , which produced an impact on Joseph Needham. After"the Cultural Revolution", he devoted his main energy to the history of science, was elected as the first director-general of the Chinese Society of Science and Technology, set up the Research office of the Chinese University of Science and Technology and was invited as an advisor of this journal, making vital contribution to China's science history undertakings. The author of this paper had long-term working relation with Mr. Qian. The paper, which provides lots of rarely known, facts, has very high value as historical material.




Chinese Scholars' Researches on World History of Astronomy in the 20th Century……DING Wei

【Abstract】 This article briefly reviews the advance of researches on world history of astronomy made by Chinese scholars in the 20th century, including the main published academic books and treatises, and other completed fundamental research works.




Interviews with Shiing-Shen Chen……TIAN Miao

【Abstract】 During the period of December of 1999 to February of 2000, the author interviewed Sling-Shen Chern, one of the most famous mathematicians in the world, for three times. This report publishes a part of the new material the author gets in these interviews.




Theory and Practice- of Water Assault in Ancient China……ZHONG Qing-ling, LI Pei-hong, ZOU Hui-xia

【Abstract】 Water assault was a common method used in ancient China's wars. It has been appreciated by many statesmen and strategists through the ages, who had advanced lots of valuable theories, and made great successes. Those theories mainly include: water assault, resistance against water assault, and moat countering water assault.




On the Spread of the Chinese Work Suanfa Tongzong in Japan and Its Influence on Wasan……FENG Li-sheng

【Abstract】 The course of introduction of the Suanfa Tongzong(Systematic Treatise on Arithmetic) into Japan is systematically treated with a discussion of the important role of the work on the development of Wasan. It is pointed out that the first Japanese mathematician who studied and taught the Suanfa Tongzong was Junso Yoshida. and the author of the Jinko-hi studied the work from Junso Yoshida and his son as a pupil of them. The Jinko-ki are subjected to comprehensive comparison and the close relation between the two works is revealed further.




A New Scrutiny into the Examination of the Wheel in Kao Gong Ji……DAI Wu-san

【Abstract】 After making a new scrutiny into the record concerning the examination of the wheel in Kao Gong Ji (The Artificers' Record), this paper deems that: (1 ) The examination of the wheel can be distinguished between visual and quantitative examination; (2 )The actual meaning of the original" 量其薮以黍,以其同也" should be analysed by the precision and the rationalization of examination requirements; (3) The actual meaning of the original" 望而其轮,欲其尔下也" should be analysed in the light of the technological characteristic of wheel-making in pre-Qin times and the visual impressions.




An Investigation on the Time of Construction of the Zhaozhou Bridge……LIN Shu-han

【Abstract】 The world-famous Zhaozhou Bridge was constructed in the Sui Dynasty, more than 1300 years ago, but no final conclusion has yet been reached on the exact time of its construction. This paper deems that "the theory of its being constructed in the middle period of Kaihuang(591 - 599 A. D)" of wide circulation is based on unreliable ancient documents and archaeological materials and hence hard to believe. With its basis on the study on some words inscribed on a Sui stone tablet, the paper proposes for the first time that the Zhaozhou Bridge was constructed on the 15th day of the 7th month of the second year of Daye period of the Sui Dynasty(Angust 23rd, 606A. D. ). 




First Introduction of the History of Foreign Mathematics in China……WANG Xiao-qin

【Abstract】 The historical knowledge of foreign mathematics was laid open to the Chinese for the first time after Alexander Wylie(1815 - 1887) introduced the brief history of Algebra and of Calculus in his prefaces to the Chinese editions of De Morgan's Elements of Algebra and Loomis's Elements of the Analytical Geometry and of the Differential and integral Calculus, which he translated in cooperation with the famous Chinese mathematician Li Shanlan (1815 - 1882). This paper makes a study of their contents in the light of modern Western historical works, and discusses their Western sources to which Wylie had recourse and their spread in late Qing Dynasty.




Zou Boqi's Photographic Mapping and Photography on Glass……DAI Nian-zu

【Abstract】 Before and after the Opium Wars (1840 - 1842), it was worthy of esteem for the Chinese people to be able to achieve successes in science unsurpassed in the world. During this period Zou Bopi had two commendable achievements: (1 ) He was the first to work out the method of photographic mapping in 1844, and carried out on-the-spot photographic mapping roughly at the same time as Europe; (2) He was the earliest person to succeed in shooting portraits with use of photography on glass.




A Chronicle of Events on the Progress of Genetics in China during the First Half of the 20th Century……Feng Yong-Kang

【Abstract】 After the birth of modern genetics represented by Gregor Johann Mendal(1822 - 1884), Chinese geneticists of the older generation in the early stage of the 20th century, through writing articles to introduce theories of modern genetics and offering courses on genetics in colleges to gradually carrying out experiments and researches, made pioneering contributions to the advancement of genetic undertakings in China.