IHNS English
  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.3 2000
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.3 2000






The Two Chinese Translations of T. H. Huxley's Introductory Science Primer in Comparison……WANG Yang-zong

【Abstract】 There are two Chinese translated texts of T. H. Huxley's Introductory Science Primer (1880) published in 1886, one by the English missionary and Sinologist Joseph Edkins, the other by the English translator Henry Loch in cooperation with the Chinese writer Ju Anglai. The author finds that Edkins' translation is faithful to the English text and Loch's and Ju's translation is an abridgement. However, there are many mistakes in the language of the Edkins' translation, while the text of Loch and Ju is correct and terse. This article deals with the different methods in translating employed by above-mentioned translators, and then points out that both the translations of the foreign Sinologist and the so-called "kouyi bishu" (the foreign translator dictates while the Chinese writer records and revises)are not good ones.




The Exploitation and Use of Butea Gum in Ancient China……WANG Jin-yu

【Abstract】 Butea gum is also called shellac, insect lac, etc. In use since the Tang Dynasty, it was not only an important medicinal material but also one of the primary raw materials for making cosmetics, dyestuff, pigment, coating and alchemical medicine. The traditional technique of making Butea gum cosmetics and pigments has been handed down to this day.




Exposition on Tan Si-tong's Scientific Thought……XU Zhen-ya

【Abstract】 Tan Si-tong is a prominent thinker in modern China, who made a profound study of the translations for Western science and technology. This article expounds the characteristics of Tan Si-tong's scientific thought, the background of its emergence and its influence upon the Reform Movement of 1898.




Background of Shou Chin Wang's Studies on Quantum Mechanics and His Achievements in the Field……HU Sheng-hua

【Abstract】 In the mid 1920s, I. I. Rabi, R. Kronig and Shou Chin Wang formed a quantum mechanics autodidactic group in Columbia University. Wang's work in quantum mechanics was made possible by his membership in this group. He made a significant contribution to the study by solving the problems of hydrogen molecule and the energy of asymmetric top.




Outline History of Study on the Prevention and Control of Corn Diseases and the Elimination of Pests in Modern China……TONG Ping-ya

【Abstract】 The reduction of corn output is about one third of the total amount because of diseases and pests. In China, the study on the prevention and control of corn diseases and the elimination of pests started in the early part of the 20th century, and has made great progress since the 1950s. The principle of plant protection was determined, which consists of "giving first place to prevention, and adopting comprehensive prevention and control." China's biological prevention and control of the corn borer took the lead in the world. The cooperative study of China on the prevention and control of corn diseases and the elimination of pests since the 1980s has achieved remarkable success.




Research on Meng Kang's Pitch-Pipes of Different Diameters……XU Fei

【Abstract】 Meng Kang's commentary for the Section on Pitch-Pipes in Han Shu (History of the Han Dynasty) is commonly thought to be the earliest suggestion of ancient China about three pitch-pipes with different diameters. Though Meng did not give out all data for other pipes, he did lay down a rule for making all the other pipes with their diameters also decreasing according to the rule of San- Fen- Sun- Yi (Addition or Substraction of a Third). Using the contemPOrary theory of acoustics in physics, this paper proves that the design made by Meng Kang can successfully solve the problem of "end effect"in theory, which means that the frequency of each of the pipes is consistent with the same note of string while every two pipes with an octave interval have exactly two times frequency. Perhaps there still existed some diffiulties for practical manufacturing, for Meng Kang did not discuss further on other pipes. Meng Kang's design of decreasing diameter according to the above rule to make end correction is indeed a great achievement in the history of ancient Chinese acoustics, and should receive more positive affirmation.




Pagoda Measurement Problem of Shu Shu Jin Zhang and the Treasure Pagoda of Huzhou……HAN Xiang-lin

【Abstract】 Through analyzing the principle applied in the" biao wang fu tu" problem of Shu Shu Jiu Zhang(Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections) and probing into the actual background of this problem, this paper holds that the extant duo bao ta (Treasure Pagoda), which was built in the Song Dynasty and situated at the top of Dao Chang Hill, south of Huzhou, was acutally surveyed by Qin Jiushao and is the prototype of the pagoda dealt with in the "pagoda measurement" problem. Some historical materials are also offered about this pagoda.







A Supplement to the Collection of the Eclipse Predictions Preserved in the Astronomical Archives of the Qing Dynasty……SHI Yun-li,LU Ling-feng,ZHANG Bing-lun

【Abstract】 This paper compares the eclipse predictions, issued by the Qing Dynastic Bureau of Astronomy, incorporated respectively in the Qingdai Tianwen Dangan Shiliao Huibian (A Collection of the Astronomical Archives of The Qing Dynasty) and the Tongmun Hwigo(A Collection of the China-Related Diplomatic Documents of the Chosen Korea). Eventually, the predictions of 37 solar and 99 lunar eclipses absent from the former book are reproduced from the Tongmun Hwigo.







An Asphalt Spinning Wheel: Material Object Witness of the Use of Solid Petroleum in China during the Han Dynasty……XIA Lei-ming

【Abstract】 There are some records about using liquid petroleum and gas petroleum in the historical books of Han Dynasty. However, the asphalt spinning wheel found in the Loulan area on the southeast fringe of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang has shown that solid petroleum was also used in the same period.