IHNS English
  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.2 2004
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.2 2004






Controversy About the Organization of the Sino-Sweedish Scientific Expedition to Northwest China……LI Xue-tong

【Abstract】 The organization of the Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to Northwest China hadbeen full of disputes and contradictions. The Bureau of Geological Survey of China changed from whatit had been as taking the lead at first into an outsider, and the process and cause for this providesmuch food for thought. Through looking into the process and outcome of disputes with an analysis ofthe cause of their occurence, this article deems that such disputes and activities of scientific investiga-tion made more people to have a more objective and positive understanding about the scientific coop-eration between China and other countries, and that because of the lack of mutual trust and coopera-tion among Chinese scholars, the academic achievements were somewhat confined and suffered un-necessary losses. Though the disputes about the organization of the Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedi-tion to Northwest China are a special case that occurred during a particular period in the history of thedevelopment of Chinese science, the problems reflected by them are universal to a certain degree, andeven exceed the limitation of time so that their inner meaning merits repeated consideration.




Science and Technology of Agriculture in the KMT-Ruled Area in Hubei During the War of Resistance Against Japan……ZHANG Yu-mu

【Abstract】 During the War of Resistance Against Japan,the agriculture of the area in Hubeiruled by KMT was paid to with great attention. Represented by the Institute of Agricultural Improve-ment, the agricultural organizations of Hubei did a lot of work in inroducing fine crop seeds, develo-ping improved varietes by selection, preventing and curing of plant diseases and insect pests, innova-ting cultivation techniques and surveying forest reserves. The agricultural educational research insti-tutions represented by Hubei's Provincial College of Agriculture still undertook the important task ofturning out modern agricultural talents. Acted on by special environmental restrictions and their owndeveloping logic,the agricultural techniques of the KMT-ruled area in Hubei during the War of Re-sistance Against Japan presented the following features: non-normal mode of development, govern-ment-controlled agricultural science system,coexistence of traditional agricultural science & technolo-gy and modern agricultural science & technology,limitation of S & T exchange and valuable environ-mental consciousness.




Resuming Sino-American Medical Exchange:in the Case of China Exchange News……LIANG Yong-yu,ZHANC Da-qing

【Abstract】 Preserving abundant records on the exchange of science and technology includingmedicine,China Exchange News may be looked upon as extremely precious material for acquiring anunderstanding about the medical exchange between China and the US. An analysis on it is helpful forus to survey the history of medical exchange between the two countries and get a unique vision intopertinent factors, and thus be aware of the diffculties of such an exchange.




The China Earth Science Society After Zhang Xiangwen……YU bo

【Abstract】 Based on little-known documents,this paper narrates the hardships experienced bythe China Earth Science Society after Zhang Xiangwen resigned his post as its President, conductsthorough investigation and adjustment on the issue of funds for its pursuits,and for the first time pub-lishes special information about its cooperation with the Peking Research Institute, and its participa-tion in the joint annual meeting for scientific organizations sponsored by the China Science Society.When China Earth Science Society cooperated with Peking Research Institute,its funds were not guar-anteed. During the restoration period after the War of Resistance Against Japan, members of ChinaEarth Science Society were assembled afer separation, and made some research achievements.




Wang Yuelun's Contributions to the Study of Precambrian Geology in China……DU Ru-lin,LIU Ya-min

【Abstract】 Prof. Wang Yuelun is a famous geologist,as well as a pioneer and a founder of Pre-cambrian geology in China. His main contributions to the study of China's Precambrian geology in-clude:Primarily establishing the strata sequence of the Early Cambrian System the division betweenSinian System and Cambrian System in Southwest area;primarily settling the strucure and strata basisof the Early Precambrian in the Wutaishan Mountain area; taking part in discovering, naming and further verifying the existence of the Jixian Movement;properly solving the problem of division betweenSanian System and Cambrian System;being the first to discover the context for the difference betweenSouth Sanian System and North Sinian System;having done a lot of creative work in Subdivision andCorrelation of the upper Precambrian in the whole of China. He is a model worker who persists inpractice and innovation.




The Aids from the Soviet Union in Establishing of Iron and Steel Base in Baotou……QIU Cheng-ling

【Abstract】 The Iron and Steel Base in Baotou is one of"156 projects",which were constructedwith the help of Soviet Union to develop China's national economy in the 1950s and 1960s. In thispaper,the roles and functions of the Soviet Union from selecting the site of factory, geological surveyof plant area, experiment for pumping up water, ore experiment, coking plant experiment, initial designto the building of construction base during the preparation and primary design to the building of con-struction base during the preparation and primary design of the Iron and Steel base in Baotou. And theprocess of transfer of Soviet metallurgy technology to China is also shown in the paper.




Dr. Needham's Letter to Prof. Wang Zhenduo on Su Sung's Clockwork……Translated with annotation by WANG Mu-nan and LI Qiang

【Abstract】 This is a letter writter by the famious British historian of science Dr. J. Needham tothe famious Chinese archaeologist Prof. Wang Zhenduo in 1964 with concise explanatory notes writtenby the translator. The letter is about British scholars'basic arguments on Su Sung's clockwork andtheir reconstruction. In the explanation notes, the author talks about association between the two fa-mious scholars and the reason why Prof.Wang began to reconstruct the astronomical clockwork in1958 which is now on display in the National Museum of Chinese History.




Historical Materials About Optics in the Dao Zang……HU Hua-kai,JI Xiao-hua

【Abstract】 There are lots of historical materials about science in the Dao Zang(Taoist Patrolo-gy),and some of them have been studied by many scholars. Other materials is Dao Zang,for exampleabout the relations between the ray and object and shadow, combination plane mirrow imaging andconvex lens imaging, have not yet been looked into. This article analyzes such materials and discussestheir meanings in science, in the hope of enriching the content of history of physics in China.




A Historical Retrospect of the Department of Mathematics in the National South-West Associated University……Told by HSU Li-zhi, Interviewed and emended by GUO Jin-hai and YUAN Xiang-dong

【Abstract】 The Department of Mathematics in the National South-West Associated Universityoccupies an important position in the history of modern Chinese mathematics. An interview with Pro-fessor Hsu Lizhi who was cultivated in the department provides some historical sources concerning thedepartment. Professor Hsu recalls enrollment, curriculum selting, teaching materials, mathematicalseminars, teachers,teaching styles, and the education of graduate students in the department. He al-so talks about his personal experience on the teaching and learning in the department. From the in-terview, one can know not only some concrete details about the educational activities, hut also somecharacters of the department.