IHNS English
  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.1 2005
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.1 2005 

1905 and All That:Einsten’s Miraculous Yea

John Stachel

Sending Students to America by Utilizing the Boxer Indemnity Refund: Historical Investigations on the Plan Initiated by Liang Cheng

MAO Shizhen, XU Fei

The Origin and the Establishment of the West China Academy of Sciences


Nagatomi Tokushoan and the Pursuit of Method of Vomiting in Japan’s Chinese Medicine:A Case in the Study of Medical Culture

LIAO Yuqun

Academician Ci Yun-gui and the History of the Milky Way Computer Research Group: An Interview with Ci Yun-gui

ZHAO Yanghui

Cultures 1, 2 and 3


Changing the Paradigm: Research on the History of Mathematics in China

QU Anjing

The Significance of History of Science

WU Guosheng

Needham Research Institute in Cambridge,U. K. and Science and Civilisation in China

Christopher CULLEN

A Review of Keith Pinn’s Paktong: The Chinese Alloy in Europe, 1680~1820

MEI Jianjun

(Institute for the History of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Science and Technology of Beijing, Beijing 100010)

Abstract  This article provides a brief review of Keith Pinn’s book on Paktong: The Chinese Alloy in Europe, 1680~1820. It has been pointed out that a major contribution made by the book is the find and research of the archives of Matthew Boulton, a businessman who was closely involved in the story of paktong during the late eighteenth century. The results of scientific analyses of more than one hundred artefacts of paktong presented in the book are also significant to further study of the history and technology of paktong.

Key words  paktong; white copper; German silver; metal history

On Ren Hongjuan’s Conception of Science——After Reading The Dream of Saving theNation byScience ——the Selected Work of Ren Hongjuan

DU Yang