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  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.1 2007
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.1 2007 


First Assembly of the Academician Council of Academia Sinica in 1948 

GUO Jinhai

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

  Abstract   The First Assembly of the Academician Council of Academia Sinica held in Nanjing in September of 1948 is an important event in the history of modern science in China. Based on the investigation and analysis of archives, this paper expounds the whole story of the assembly,discusses the significance of academicians draft resolutions and the assembly itself. The assembly is a symbol of the establishment of the academician system of Academia Sinica, as well as the formation of the academic reward system. It is shown that the Second Council of Academia Sinica played a key role in making preparations for the assembly. The appointed members of the Third Council of Academia Sinica were elected in strict accordance with democratic process during the assembly. The draft resolutions passed at the assembly not only are conduscive to solving problems of how education and research were relieved from the serious effects of political interference and funds difficulty, but also have direct relations with the direction of development of Academia Sinica after completing its system and the establishment of the system of doctors degree in China. However, it was very soon that Chinas political situation changed sharply after the assembly, and all the draft resolutions and the Academician Councils plans were almost not put into effect.

  Key words   Academia Sinica, First Assembly of the Academician Council, election of the members of the Council, draft resolution, scientific institutionalization

Wu Jiashan and the Educational Reform in the Westernization Movement

GAO Hongcheng

(School of Mathematical Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China; Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

  Abstract   Wu Jiashan (Woo Tsze-tun, 1820—1885), who studied education abroad, played a very important role in modern mathematical education during the late Qing Dynasty. He was born at Nanfeng County, Jiangxi Province in 1820, and died in 1885. In 1853, he got the Jinshi degree, which is the highest degree at that time. Between 1864 and 1867, he worked as a Chinese mathematics instrusctor at Guangzhou Tong Wen Guan, an institute of foreign languages. In 1878, he was appointed as a counselor to Spain and Peru. And in 1879 he was nominated as the commissioner of the Chinese Education Mission in America. Whenever there was a conflict between him and Yung Wing, Wu was criticized as the enemy to students studying abroad by Rong. Then he came back in 1881. Wu was Bianxiu, an officer of the Imperial Academy. He was very interested in mathematics and his work, and Suanshu Ershiyi Zhong (21 Books on Mathematics) was an influential reference book in the domain of mathematics in those days.

Wu is a typical case for the study of the educational reform in the Westernization Movement of China. This paper presents a lot of historical materials about Wu Jiashan, and expouds his mathematical works and his activities in the early period of studying education abroad. The paper then makes an appraisal of Wus works and activities under the background of that time. Especially, it holds a new view that Wu should not be responsible for the termination of the Chinese Educational Plan of Rong Hong.

Key words   Wu Jiashan, Suanshu Ershiyi Zhong, an enemy to the students studying abroad, education in the Westernization Movement

Sanpo Enri Katsurou:A Book of Wansan First Printed and Published in China

XU Zelin,      ZHANG Na

(School of Mathematics, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China)

  Abstract   Sanpo Bnri Katsurou (1852) in Baifutang Suanxue Congshu (1874) is a book of Wansan printed and published for the first time in China. This paper discusses the name of the writer, compares the two versions:Baifutang Suanshu Congshu version and Nagasaki version, introduces the mathematical content and its origin, and makes an initial inquiry about how it was brought into China and influenced the development of mathematics in China.

Key words Sanpo Enri Katsurou, Enri, Wansan, Baifutang Suanxue Congshu, mathematical exchanges between China and Japan

   Correspondence Between V. G. Childe and Wang Zhenduo Concerning the Ancient Chinese Vehicle Excavated from a Tomb at Liulige, in Huixian County, Henan Province

Translated by WANG Munan,         Annotated by LI Qiang

(Palace Museum, Beijing 100009,China )     (National Museum, Beijing 100006, China )

Abstract A letter written by the famous British archaeologist Prof. Victor Gordon Childe(1892—1957) to the well-known Chinese archaeologist Prof. Wang Zhenduo(1911—1992) and Prof. Wangs reply are included in this paper. Referring to the remains of chariots and horses of the Warring States Period from a tomb at Liulige in Huixian County, Henan Province, Prof. Childe and Prof. Wang pointed out and discussed in their correspondence the problem of pole and shafts for ancient Chinese chariots.

Key words Victor Gordon Childe, Wang Zhenduo, letter, chariot

Preliminary Investigation of the Fan-Making Craft of Hangzhous “Wang Xing Ji”

YI Degang, LI Haijing

(School of Science and Technology Management, Inner Mongolia Normal

University, Huhhot 010022, China)

Abstract As a time honored brand, “Wng Xing Ji” fan has already gone through a history of one hundred years. The traditional fan-making handicraft of “Wang Xing Ji”, however, has been kept quite intact after having undergone the vicissitudes of history. On the basis of investigation, this article records the production process of black fan and sandalwood fan which have the traditional characteristic of the fan-making craft of “Wang Xing Ji”, and puts forward the suggestion of protecting such a traditional Chinese non-material cultural heritage.

Key words Wang Xing Ji, fan, black paper fan, sandalwood fan


A Chronicle of Mr. Tsien Ling Chaos Life

ZHANG Zhihui,SUN Hongqing,DING Zhaojun

(University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026, China)

Abstract Mr. Tsien Ling Chao (1906—1999) was a famous Chinese physicist and historian of science in modern China. He had made significant contributions to promoting the research on plastic deformation of crystals, electron microscopy and history of science. At the same time, he is admired by many scholars for his outstanding organizational skill in scientific research and also for his superb instructional talent. The academic accomplishments of Mr. Tsien Ling Chao have undoubtedly added lustre to the present stage of science education in China. The chronicle of Tsien Ling Chaos life is specially written in commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birthday.

Key words Tsien Ling Chao, chronicle, physicist, historian of science

Eugenics and the lite Marriage Ethics in Modern China—An Analysis for the Marriage Story of Translation for The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness

JIANG Gongcheng

(Department of Biology,Huaiyin Teachers College,Jiangsu Huaian 223001,China;

Department for the History of Science,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China)

Abstract By analyzing the historical materials related to the translation for The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness, we found that the theory and practice of eugenics were entangled with complicated marriage ethics when it was introduced into modern China. The import of eugenics and its correlated evolutionary ethics had given birth to the marriage ethic of elitism.

Key words The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness,eugenics,feeblemindedness,marriage ethics