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  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.3 2008
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.3 2008 


Basic Research in the Cultural Revolution:A Case Study for Determining the Structure of Insulin ,1965-1972

XIONG Weimin

(Institute for the History of Natural Science , CAS,Beijing 100010,China)

Abstract  This article makes clear the progress of the project for determining the structure of insulin crystal. Based on an analysis of the actions and motivations of politicians, administrators, scientists and workers’ propaganda team correlative with the determination of the structure of insulin, the author tries to answer such questions as:(1) why could a few basic research projects survive through the tough days of Cultural Revolution? (2)How were the projectsoperated? (3)What’s the relation between politics and science? The article points out that without the convoy of political leaders, it was almost impossible for any basic research projects to get started and achieve its goal in the Culture Revolution and the political leaders did so was because such a work could be used for political reasons.

Key words  insulin , determination of the structure, theCultural Revolution , politicization of scientific research

The Survey team for the Highway from Suiyuan to Xinjiang in the 1930s 

LUO Guihuan 

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

Abstract  For the aim of stabilizing and developing the border area of China, the Chinese government engaged in Oct. 1933 the Swedish geographer Dr. Sven Hedin to head a survey team consisting of engineers and technicians mainly on motorcar for planning and surveying two motorcar routes across northwestern China. One is from Suiyuan to Hami and further, via Tihwa ( Urumqi), to Tacheng; The other is from Xi’an via Lanchow (Lanzhou), Kiuchuan (Jiuquan), Anhsi (Anxi) and Lobnor to Kashgar. The staff from China and Sweden respected each other and worked hard in the expedition. Eventually,they overcame various difficulties and completed the project of survey. They had contributed greatly in constructing motor roads in northwestern provinces of China and revivifying “the Silk Road”, thus exerting important influence in both the anti-Japanese war and the economic development of those provinces.

Key words expedition with motorcar, Kueisui or Suiyuan to Xinjian highway, the northwestern provinces of China, Sven Hedin

Discovery of Frog Voice Echo in Xiaoyan Tower of Xi’an and Initial Study on the Formation Mechanism of Its Style of Brick Tower With Stacked Unsmooth Thick Eaves

LU Houjun,YU Wenguang

(Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China )

YU Muhan

(Dalian Nationlities University, Dalian 116600,China)

CHEN Changxi

(Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China )

QIAO Weixin

(Cultural Relic Bureau of Xiaoyan Tower, Xi’an 710000, China)


Abstract In the present paper, the phenomenon of frog voice echo in Xiaoyan Tower of Xi’an is discovered via on-the-spot investigation, experimental measurements and academic analysis. Furthermore, the phenomenon of echo in Yingying Tower, Qianxun Tower, Hongshengsi Tower and Xiaoyan Tower is synthetically analyzed. The formation of mechanism and main factors of the frog voice echo of ancient China’s brick tower with stacked unsmooth thick eaves are achieved.

Key words  frog voice, echo, Xiaoyan Tower, brick tower with thick eaves, phenomenon of echo

An Investigation on Miao Nationality’s Spinning and Weaving Machines and Tools in the Northeast in Yunnan Province

WANG Lihua,

(College English Faculty, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China)

ZHANG Baichun

( Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100010, China)


Abstract  Based on the results of five field surveys in Longzuishi, a village of Miao ethnic group, Aziying township, Songming county, Yunnan province from Sept. 2006 to Aug. 2007, this paper describes a whole set of spinning and weaving machines and tools which are still used by Miao people. All the machines and tools used in the process of spinning hemp, reeling hemp thread, winding woof around a spindle and weaving., are depicted in detal.

Key words Miao people,hemp,spinning and weaving machines and tools

The Chinese Top

LI Yanping,  DAI Nianzu

 (Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037 China )


Abstract This article discusses especially the top in the history of China from both records and archaeological findings. Chinese top originated during the period of Hemudu (河姆渡)Culture (5000 B. C.), but it was until Song  Dynasty, particularly Ming Dynasty, that the top began to be recorded precisely. The article shows also pictures of the top and diabolo in Song , Ming and Qing Dynasties. The top was discovered in many different areas of the world. The article deals briefly with the history of the top in the West, and inquires initially into the spread of the top between China and the West.

The Charm of Intellectual History of Science:

A Review of A. Koyré’s Three Works of Scientific Revolution

LIU Shengli

(Department of Philosophy Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)


Abstract  As the most influential one among the founders and leaders of the school of intellectual history of science, Alexandre Koyré demonstrated his skills in the three masterpieces which were contributed to the study of the modern scientific revolution and which have been translated into Chinese, i.e. Études Galiléenne, From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe, and Newtonian Studies. This essay aims to reveal the unique charm and possible significance of intellectual history of science as a historiographical program by reviewing its embodiment in these works.
Key words  intellectual history of science, Alexandre Koyré, scientific revolution

The Most Important Encyclopedia in the Latin West:

Isidore’s Etymologiae

ZHANG Butian

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

Abstract   Isidore of Seville’s Etymologies is a very importantEncyclopedia in the Latin West. It had a great influence over the Middle Ages and the European history and culture. The newly published complete English translation ofEtymologies gives us a good chance to avoid Latin and read the whole Etymologies. It is an invaluable primary work in the research field of history of early western science and ideas.
Key words  Etymologies,Isidore of Seville, Encyclopedia


Science Comes from Life: Review on Darwin

KE Zunke

(Department of Philosophy Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)


Abstract This article introduces briefly the development of Darwinian studies, comments on Darwin, retells the story of early part of Darwin’s life in the book, and raises some questions for advanced reading. The article also discusses the historiography in Darwin, and evaluates its place in Darwin Industry.

Key Words Darwin, Darwinian studies, Darwin Industry, social constructivism, contextualism

Evolution of Technical Systems:

The Concepts and Methodology in Gille’s The History of Techniques

YAO Dazhi

(Department of Philosophy, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)


Abstract Gille constructs his specific conceptual and methodological means in order to analyze the technical evolution in his The History of Techniques. His work represents two levels of reality, which are the static structures and systems, and the dynamic factor which can be termed technical evolution. And the interrelations between technical systems and non-technical systems should be considered as the themes of the technical history. This paper also supplies ancient Chinese techniques as a case of technical history based on a global level of technical systems.

Key Words  The History of Techniques, the technical system, evolution of techniques, Chinese ancient techniques