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  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.2 2009
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.2 2009 

Academic Seminar on the Structure of Matter Launched

in Jilin University in 1963


(Center of Science, Technology and Society, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China ; Institute of History of Science , Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhehot 010022, China)

Abstract During 1963 to 1965, the former Ministry of Higher Education assigned Professor Tang Aoqing to hold a two-year academic seminar on the structure of matter in Jilin University, which included 8 formal students (Deng Conghao, Liu Ruozhuang, Zhang Qian-er, Yan Guosen, Dai Shushan, Sun Jiazhong, Jiang Yuansheng and Gu Zheng) and 31 auditors. During this seminar, Tang Aoqing lectured a series of courses on issues of quantum chemistry and led all the students to carry out researches for the methods of ligand field theory, through which he established the irreducible tensor methods from continuous group to point group, thus successfully united various proposals regarding ligand field theory and developed and completed the ligand field theory creatively. This paper, mainly based on the collected materials and other relevant documents related to the academic seminar from the Archives of Jilin University, gives an introduction to the seminar’s whole operation, the students’ learning and research situation as well as the role of Prof. Tang in organization and leadership during this academic seminar. 

Key words  structure of matter,  ligand field,  scholarship,  Chemistry


A Review of the Transmission and Integration, Qiqi Tushuo (Illustrations and Descriptions of Extraordinary Devices):

New Research and Annotated Edition

SHI Yunli

(Department of the History of Science and Archaeometry,

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)

Abstract The Transmission and Integration: Qiqi Tushuo (Illustrations and Descriptions of Extraordinary Devices): New Research and Annotated Edition marks a new breakthrough in the study of the Qiqi Tushuo. This is made possible by its multi-dimensional and trans-cultural perspectives, elaborate and painstaking works, as well as its theoretical orientation.

Key words Qiqi Tushuo, Wang Zheng, Johannes Schreck, trans-cultural transmission of knowledge



George B.Cressey and Geology in Republican China


(Syracuse University, NY, USA)

Abstract  As a famous American Geographer, George. B. Cressey is notable not only for Chinese Geography, but also for his close relationship with Chinese geology in Republican China, consisting of his geological education, the establishment of Geological and Geographical Department and the cultivation of geologists in Shanghai University, the geological investigation and study of China and the interactions with Chinese geologists. All those, to some extent, also provide us an outer perspective to probe into China’s modern geological history.

Keyword George B. Cressey, Republican China, geological history



Research on Wartime Night Timekeeping in Ancient China


(Department for the History of Science & Philosophy of Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University,

Shanghai 200240,China )

Abstract There are two wartime night timekeeping way in ancient China. One is pace-counting way, the other is beads-counting way. The history of the former is very long. Which appeared as early as the Tang Dynasty. The latter appeared in Song Dynasty at the latest. The two ways both have the advantage of being simple and convenient. Their disadvantage is the lack of precision. In principle, both of them should fall under the Mu-lou System, and belong to variant forms of Mu-Lou.

Key words China , antiquity, wartime, timekeeping way, pace-counting, beads-counting, Mu-lou System.



Understanding and Application of Calculus by Li Shanlan

GAO Hongcheng

(School of Mathematical Science ,Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China)

Abstract Li Shan-lan’s achievement on the elliptic motion problem by means of the calculus is a reflex of his understanding and application of calculus. He thought that the differential method was almost equal to the method of series expansion, and it was through Ge-yuan-lian-bi-li-shu method and Ji-shu-hui-qiu-shu method and not through Taylor formula or Maclaurin formula in Dai-wei-ji shi-ji that he got power series expansion. This represents the early comprehension of calculus by traditional Chinese mathematicians in the late Qing dynasty.

Key words Li Shanlan, calculus, elliptic motion problem, power series expansion


Interview with Wei Shoukun:

Higher Engineering Education Reform in the Early 1950s

Recorded and emended by HAN Jinfang,

(Development Research Center of China Association for Science and Technology,  Beijing 100045, China)

ZHANG Baichun

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

Abstract: Learning Soviet educational experience and reforming China’s higher engineering education in 1950s is an important event in the history of Chinese science and technology. Wei Shoukun, a senior academician of CAS, talked about the adjustment of metallurgical departments, the establishment of Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering, and the reform of institutions of higher education, thus providing us a new insight into the educational reform of the 1950s. As an engineering educator, Prof. Wei put forward some of his own opinions about the influence of Soviet institution of higher education on Chinese education.

Key words  Wei Shoukun, school-department adjustments, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering; Soviet education system


Correct for the Science History Content of An Outline of National History

ZHAO Guanfeng

(School of Social Development , Henan Normal University, Henan Xinxiang 453007,China)

Abstract Written by Prof. Fan Shuzhi, An Outline of National History is one of the influential general history works in recent years. There are, however, a few problems about its science history content in misunder-standing literature and improper analysis. This paper attempts to correct the following problems: Whether Zhang Heng was the first to expound the cause of lunar eclipse ; the metaphor of Sirius; and appraise and analysis Chongtian Calender and Shoushi calendar by Guo Shoujing. Finally, it is expected Prof. Fan will pay attention to the aforesaid problems upon the republication of his work.

Key words An Outline of National History, Fan Shuzhi, Science history, textbook


Documentary Research on the Spread of Acupuncture Anaesthesia from China to USA

HUANG Yanhong

(Institute for the History of Natural Science,CAS,Beijing 100010 , China)

Abstract During the thawing of China-USA relations in 1970s, there were many cultural exchange activities between China and USA that went on along with Nixon’s visit to China in 1972. The spread of a popular medical practice, acupuncture anaesthesia, to USA was one of the activities. It gave rise to all kinds of legends and stories on the relationship between Nixon’s visit and the spread. By reviewing this phase of history and clearing up relevant facts, inconsistency and lack in the legends and stories are indicated, and origins for some plots in the legends and stories are found. Acupuncture anaesthesia actually acted as an additive in the relations between China and USA, and caused the American people to be interested in China.

Key words Nixon’s visit to China, acupuncture anaesthesia, James Reston, China-USA relations


Several Major Events in the History of Education of CAS :An Interview with Prof. Ma Xianyi

Recorded and emended by XIONG Weimin

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

Abstract  As a senior education management cadre of CAS, Prof. Ma Xian-Yi retrospected several major events in the history of education of CAS: the establishments of Graduate School in 1964 and 1977; the relocation of the University of Science and Technology of China in 1969 and the failure of its returning to Beijing in 1978; the Work Conference about the University of Science and Technology of China in 1977; sending several groups of students abroad from 1976 to 1978; and running four universities from 1978 to 1981.

Key words CAS, Graduate School of CAS, University of Science and Technology of China, history of education