IHNS English
  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology NO.1 2013
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

  Prof. Unschuld’s Path of Researching the History of Medicine in China 

  ZHENG Jinsheng 

  (China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,  

  The China Institute for the History of Medicine and Medical Literature, Beijing 100700China) 

  Prof. Dr. Paul U. Unschuld, b. 1943, is a German historian of medicine. He has focussed on comparative research in the history of medicine and related life sciences in China and Europe, with special emphasis on the history of ideas and ethics. He began his study of the history of Chinese medicine in 1969. In 1984 he was named Professor, and in 1986 he was promoted to Director of the Institute for the History of Medicine at Munich University. His major monographs are Medicine in China. A History of Pharmaceutics, Medical Ethics in Imperial China, Medicine in China. A History of Ideas, and What is Medicine? Western and Eastern Approaches to Healing. His translations include, among others, Nan-ching. The Classic of Difficult Issues, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen. An Annotated Translation, and Forgotten Traditions of Chinese Medicine. The Yixue yuanliu lun by Xu Dachun of 1754. During the past two decades, he has expanded his research interests to include the material culture and handwritten medical books of the past five centuries as important sources of Chinese medical history, thus demonstrating his extraordinarily wide interests. 


  A Further Study on the Measuring of Time in the Military  

  in Pre-Modern China 

  WANG Xiaohu 

  School of Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangdong, Guangzhou, 510006 

  The ways of measuring time used by the military in pre-modern China were relatively simple. We can see two cases in old texts - pace-counting and bead-counting. Since the cycles of sunrise and sunset were used as the fixed points for using these methods, they needed to consult the official calendars. These methods can provide a new perspective for research on the history of time measurement. 


  A Preliminary Study of Wuli Yijie edited by Chen Huang 

  WANG Guangchao 

  (Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)  

  Wuli Yijie [Easy Explanations of Physics] edited by Chen Huang at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was the first physics textbook used in Chinese middle schools edited by a Chinese scholar. Based on some original materials, this article examines questions such as the origin of editing of the book, its content and character, uses and effects, etc.  


  Heihe Animal Quarantine Bureau: the First Entry-Exit Animal Quarantine Organization Established by the Government of the Republic of China 

  HU Shen, LI Zhiping 

  School of Public Health, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, China 

  Archival research indicates that Heihe Animal Quarantine Bureau (HAQB), founded in 1914 and closed down in 1929, was the first animal quarantine organization established by the government of the Republic of China. This article discusses and analysis the reasons for its establishment, the basic situation, roles, regulations and duties of HAQB. A case for its historical importance is also made. 


  The Ai You Association during the Republic of China 

  FAN Tiequan, CHEN Xing 

  (College of History, Hebei University, Baoding 071002) 

  The Ai You Association was a medical and health group set up by graduates of the National Beijing Medical School during the Republic of China, which aimed at promoting “a network of like-minded people, exchange of knowledge and the spread of medical knowledge in society”. The association was devoted to promoting China's medical development by publications and medical inquiry. In its publications, the Ai You Association members clarified many views on epidemic prevention, medical ethics, and mental health of women and children, etc. 


  The History and Causes of the Formation of the Harbin Jewish Hospital 

  YANG Wei, MA Xuebo, LI Zhiping, 

  (Department of Medical History, Basic Medical Science Institute in Academy of Medical Sciences in Heilongjiang Province, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150081,China) 

  In the first half of the 20th century, the Harbin Jewish community was the biggest and the most influential in the Far East. The Harbin Jewish Hospital, which was founded in 1933, gained a great reputation in Harbin medical circles at that time, and was an important part of the medical health system serving the Harbin Jewish community. It also depended on the existence of this community, constant support from the community’s leaders, the hard work of the Jewish immigrants, and so on. However, the primary reasons for its establishment were Jewish national solidarity, mutual assistance and dedication of spirit. 


  A New Study on the Invention of Photo-Zincography and Photo-Lithography and their First Introduction to China 

  LÜ Daoen 

  (Dept. of Scientific History and Archaeometry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China) 

  Different from the current viewpoint of most Chinese historians of printing, who attribute the invention of photo-zincography to the Frenchman M. Gillot and first introduced to China in the end of the 19th century, I argue that both photo-zincography and photo-lithography were in fact invented by Henry James and Alexander de Courcy Scott in 1859, and first introduced to China in the Cedi Huitu in 1876. 


  A Group Photograph of the Preparatory Meeting for the First National Natural Scientists' Congress of China 

  FAN Hongye 

  (Institute of Policy and Management Science, CAS, Beijing 100080,China) 

  The participants of the Preparatory Meeting for the First National Natural Scientists' Congress of China had a group photograph taken in front of the auditorium of the Universite Franco-Chinoise after the opening ceremony at noon on July 13th, 1949. This photograph is the only picture of this meeting up located up to now. 


  Early Years of the Institute of Mechanics, CAS: An Interview with  

  Prof. Tan Qingming 

  Recorded and emended by XIONG Weimin , WANG Lina and 

  (Institute for the History of Nature Science , CASBeijing 100190China) 

  LI Xinxin 

  (School of Physics and Electrical and Information Engineering, Daqing Normal College,Daqing 163712,China) 

  As the record of an interview with Prof. Tan Qingming about the early history of the Institute of Mechanics, CAS, this article relates how Zhu Zhaoxiang and Lin Hongsong helped H. S. Tsien and Chien Wei-chang to establish the Institute of Mechanics; the thought behind the establishment of the Institute of Mechanics by H. S. Tsien and Guo Yonghuai; the impact of political movements such as the Anti-Rightist, the Great Leap Forward and Four Pests Campaign on the Institute; the birth and the first surge of development of explosion mechanics at the Institute; and the achievements of Qian shouyi and Che-Min Cheng, etc. 


  From Hellenes to Chang’an: A Professional Monograph on the Diffusion of Medical Culture  

  LIAO Yuqun 

  (Institute for the History of Science, CAS, Beijing 100010,China) 

  Medieval Chinese Medicine and External Culture, written by Chen Ming, is committed to the integration of the study of the history of medicine, social history and the history of cultural exchange. Based on introducing the main content of this book, this article reviews its academic value. By making full use of the abundant materials available, such as multilingual historical data and related research by scholars at home and abroad, Chen Ming expands his research into the area of the history of Chinese and western cultural exchanges. This book has great reference value for researchers in the history of medicine and social history. 


  Comments on theTranslation Series on the Origins  

  and Development of Science 

  ZHANG Butian 

  Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100190, China 

  This article provides an overview of the purport and characteristics of the Translation Series on Origins and Development of Science, published by Hunan Science and Technology Press since 2010, its significance for research on the history of Western science in China, and the basic information of the books published to date.