IHNS English
  • Three-Breakthrough One:Research on “the Creation and Transmission of Scientific and Technological Knowledge”
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

Presided by Prof. Luo Guihuan and Prof. Han Jianping, this research program mainly focuses on exploring the processes and mechanisms involved in the creation and transmission of S&T through history. It deals with such issues as the creation of scientific concepts and theories, technological invention and innovation, modes of thought and the representation of knowledge, and the transmission and reshaping of knowledge. New perspectives and methods will be employed to carry out both case studies and comprehensive studies, striving to achieve major breakthroughs. It aims to break out of the traditional research paradigm that mainly "verifies and describes achievements in history" (Verifying and Describing Paradigm, VDP), and to propose new interpretations of history. Seventeen research themes have been formulated. It is also planned to complete a book series entitled “The Creation and Transmission of Scientific and Technological Knowledge” within 10 years, the first 14 volumes to be completed by 2015, and another 14 volumes by 2020.