IHNS English
  • Research Achievements on Italian Historical Developments of Machine Technology and Its Industrialization Between 19-20 Century
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

Mar. 21, 2016

Series academic achievements are accomplished by the researches carried out by The Institute for the History of Natural Sciences (IHNS), Chinese Academy of Sciences and International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science ( IFToMM). Researchers restored the development history of Italian machinery and its related technology between 19 to 20 century, thus to interpret the characteristics and features of Italian development road of science technology and modernization. Relevant papers are released on international periodicals and contributed as highly effective resources to the book Scientific and Technological Revolution and National Modernization--Italy Volume.

The cooperation between IHNS and IFToMM started from 2004 when Marco Ceccarelli, the president of IFToMM, visited IHNS to establish cooperative relationship with counterpart researchers Prof. Zhang Baichun. The visit boosted Chinese experts and scholars to actively participate in series of academic seminars, monographic studies and published treatises that organized by the IFToMM Permanent Commission For History of MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science). In October 2010, IHNS and IFToMM co-organized international seminar on machine history, and in September 2015, IHNS and University of Cassino signed cooperation agreement to intensify cooperative studies and develop new research subjects.

Since 2012, under the financial support ofChinese Academy of Sciences Scholarship and so on, IHNS associate ProfessorFang Yibing and Marco Ceccarelli conducted a thorough cooperative study on the subject of Italian Technology History Between 19 to 20 Century. The study focused on the period from 19th century when Italy united to its industrialization realized in 20th century. They made systematic analysis and in-depth researches on the history of Italian machinery and its related industrial technology and discipline development since Italian Industry Revolution, and studied deeply into the representative figures and industrialization cases during the period when Italian mechanical science and its industrial technology framework came into formation since 19th century.

After years hardworking, Fang Yibing and Marco Ceccarelli co-published papers on Peculiarities of Evolution of Machine Technology and its Industrialization in Italy during 19th Century, Findings on Italian Historical Developments of Machine Technology in 19th Century Towards Industrial Revolution, Medium Size Companies of Mechanical Industry in Northern Italy During the Second Half of the 19th Century, On the warship by Ansaldo for Chinese Imperial Navy on international publications. The cooperative research also provides effective resources to the chapter of the book Scientific and Technological Revolution and National Modernization--Italy Volume .


Chinese and foreign scholars present in Mechanical History Workshop in 2010, Beijing


Associate Professor Fang Yibing’s academic visit in University of Cassino, Nov. 2012-Apr.2013


Professor Marco Ceccarelli’s visit to IHNS in July 2013


Researchers from IHNS and University of Cassino in the Academic Annual Meeting of IFToMM PC for the History of MMS 

Both parties participate in Rumania International Mechanical Science Academic Conference in Oct. 2013