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  • The Research on Dynamic Model of Industrial Evolution ———A Case Study for the History of Global Automobile Industry Development
Jounal :
Author : yangyang    焦郑珊;孙显斌
YEAR : 2018
Vol. :
No. : 6
Page : 92-103
Abstract : At present,China's economy is in the transition period from factor - driven to innovation - driven,which puts forward higher requirements for industrial transformation and upgrading. The classical research on the key factors of industrial evolution is sorted out. Taking the history of automobile industry evolution as a case,the analysis framework of the technology driving force,demand pull power and intermediary driving force from the industrial evolution path and its operating mechanism. Data are obtained from the matching of different periods in the transformation of power mechanism of automobile industry and cross - analysis and comparative analysis are carried out. Through analysis and summary of the key factors affecting industrial evolution,explore the characteristics of different factors and their logical relationship and ultimately build a dynamic model of industrial evolution. Industrial evolution is an ecological dynamic system consisting of three relatively independent structures. The power source of the front - end structure is innovative talents,which leads to industrial change; the power source of the back - end structure is entrepreneurs,who undertake the mission and responsibility of scientific and technological transformation and industrial development,tap new needs and establish a modern industrial system; the middle - end structure is a top - down process,which includes industrial development strategy and platform carrier,theirs mutual complementarily become the key intermediary force for the smooth transition and evolution of industry.