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  • Hua Loo-Keng:China's outstanding strategic mathematician
Jounal : Science & Technology Review
Author : GUO Jinhai    
YEAR : 2023-09-13
Vol. : 41
No. : 17
Page : 47-57
Abstract : This paper describes Hua Loo-Keng's contributions as a strategic mathematician by investigating his deeds inproposing and implementing the work plan of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,participating inthe formulation of the national science and technology plans,planning and preparing the China's computer undertaking,initiatingand organizing middle school students'mathematical competitions,popularizing and promoting the critical path method andoptimum seeking method.It is concluded that Hua developed his idea of developing an institute of mathematics in 1943 and putit into practice at the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He made historic contributions to planningChina's computing technology and mathematical development.He played an extremely important role in advocating andorganizing China's computer undertaking and middle school students'mathematical competitions,as well as in popularizing andpromoting the critical path method and optimum seeking method.Hua's transformation from a self-taught youth to anoutstanding strategic mathematician was the result of interactions of internal and external factors.