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  • The First Important Breakthrough to the Research on the Binary Goldbach Conjecture in China
Jounal : Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Author : ZOU Dahai,WEI Lei    
YEAR : 2023-09-15
Vol. : 52
No. : 5
Page : 450-456
Abstract : The series of research achievements on the binary Goldbach conjecture was one of the most representative achievements of mathematics in China during the period from 1950s to the 1970s, in which proof of the binary Goldbach conjecture( 3, 4) was the first important one of them. In the paper,Wang Yuan's proof and research process were traced and the various factors that led to his breakthrough was analyzed, such as his educational background, personal characteristics, working environment, and Hua Luo-keng's guidance, as well as his possession of knowledge and methods concerning the solution of the problem. Meanwhile, it was pointed out that Wang Yuan's breakthrough in the research on the binary Goldbach conjecture had important historical significance in the chain of the series of research.